Abandoned Barn

Nikon V2: September 2014

I've replaced my Nikon 1 V1 with a V2. I'll be stuffing pix into this folder for a few days, while I figure out the controls. After that the camera will doubtless just become part of my normal workflow.

Shadow Telephone Pole

22 Sep 2014 2 192
Gorgeous sunlight this morning, so I headed downtown and snapped off a bunch of photographs.

Juvenile Cormorant

23 Sep 2014 1 1 190
I was a bit puzzled at first: This looked like a (Double-Crested) Cormorant, but the colors were wrong. Eventually convinced myself it was a juvie. Sharp Park, Delta Township, Michigan.

Hazy Morning

19 Sep 2014 1 186
Roxand Township, Michigan.


24 Sep 2014 1 1 155
A couple feet (circa 20 cm) in diameter, hanging from the pole that holds up our weather station. I got tangled in an earlier version of this trap when I mowed the lawn the other day.

Nice Sunset Tonight

24 Sep 2014 9 3 332
Mulliken, Michigan.

Two Men Fishin'

25 Sep 2014 2 200
Wall Lake, Delton, Michigan.

Farm Pano

25 Sep 2014 1 216
Just west of Woodland, Michigan. Three photos stitched together; then I chopped off half the rightmost pic.

Morning Fog

27 Sep 2014 1 184
On the Grand River, south of Portland, Michigan. Or north of Mulliken....

A Tree in the Fog

27 Sep 2014 4 2 254
Just north of Mulliken, Michigan.

Whee! That Was Fun. Now How Do I Get Down?

28 Sep 2014 1 224
Spot on the trellis.

Mulliken Road

29 Sep 2014 2 1 219
Have I mentioned before that I like photographing fog and haze?

In a Fog

Vines on the Wall

30 Sep 2014 3 2 252
Abandoned Michigan Peat Moss complex, north of Eaton Rapids.

Michigan Peat Company Complex

30 Sep 2014 1 368
I've known this complex for years, and have long wondered why someone built these large buildings pretty much in the middle of nowhere . So here's a long explanation from The Only Eaton Rapids on Earth , by W. Scott Munn, written in 1952: The Peat Company bought and had options on several hundred acres of muck land north of the city, and the plan was to process it and sell it for fuel. Two large concrete buildings were erected, a siding was run to the plant from the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, and all arrangements were made for shipping the output. The machinery was installed, a miniature track laid, and small cars put into service to transport the "bog" from the muck fields to the plant. Here it went through a process of extracting the water from the muck and forcing it into molds with tiny compartments about the size of No. 4 coal. The molds were then placed in an oven where the muck was thoroughly baked, and when the molds were opened the muck was transported to storage bins. Before shipping, a sufficient amount of time was supposed to have elapsed to have the material solidify, but such was not the case; the longer the nuggets lay in the bin, the softer they became, and when handled returned to their original state. Everything possible was done to overcome this one failure in the processing, but because of this the whole proposition was a complete failure. It was later discovered that the muck was not of the right texture to adhere. [snip] During the past twenty-five years this acreage has been cleared and developed into one of the finest vegetable gardens in Michigan. Thousands of bushels of onions, carrots and potatoes are raised annually and have a ready market in the United States, yielding a nice profit to the owners. In 1928 Fred B. Todd and son, Charles B. Todd, purchased the entire acreage and buildings of the Michigan Peat Company, which they operated as a vegetable garden until they sold to Paul E. Huston in 1945, who continues in the same line. The buildings date from 1904 or thereabouts, and it looks like the company failed in 1908. Munn believed the entire project was deliberate fraud, but it's not clear to me that his characterization of the business is fair to the original operators--nor that it's not. When I first discovered the complex it seemed mostly abandoned, but for a time it was occupied by the Kunkel Brothers Produce Company, which seems to be still in business but at another location. Except for some lots of equipment on the grounds the buildings appear again to be abandoned.


30 Sep 2014 198
On the Michigan Peat grounds. The tractor's twisted because it's up on blocks--looks like an abandoned repair job.

A Peach of a House

30 Sep 2014 219
This house is on the grounds of the abandoned peat factory. My memory has several houses strung along Bunker Highway, but may be in error as there's now only this house and a bunch of large junk. Google's overhead view is inconclusive . The complex is far enough from Eaton Rapids that a nearby settlement might develop, but not far enough--even in 1904--that nearby housing would be absolutely necessary.

52 items in total