Upper Falls


I think the title explains it all....

Upper Falls

01 Jan 1966 89
Tahquamenon Falls State Park, Upper Michigan. Camera: Kodak Starmite II Considerably improved using PhotoImpact Photo by Joel Dinda sometime in the 1960s.

Glade Creek, Babcock State Park

01 Jul 2001 78
Clifftop, West Virginia

Lower Falls @ Tahquamenon

21 Jun 2003 162
The Tahquamenon has two falls--the great Upper Falls , and the less impressive, but very lovely, Lower Falls which are several miles downriver. The lower falls are actually a series of cascades on two sides of an island. This view of the lower falls area, which appears to be deliberately framed for folks leaving the visitor center, captures the charms of the place well.

Glade Creek Mill

01 Jul 1997 200
Glade Creek Mill at West Virginia's Babcock State Park, shortly after a heavy downpour in July of 1997. =================== Had a couple reminders of this place today: * A friend has a photo of the mill on her PC. I told her I visit there regularly, and that Joan and I will be staying in one of Babcock's cabins in a few weeks. Sue was surprised; wanted to know more about the mill, and the park. * And today's mail contained a flyer from Mountain River Adventures, featuring a Special Offer if we book our rafting trip before June 30: Free gas! One gallon of free gas. One gallon. Wow.

Joan @ Agate Falls

01 Jul 2000 98
Joan, in silhouette, at Agate Falls on the middle branch of the Ontonagon River. Agate--near Bruce Crossing on M-28--is an exceptionally pretty fall, dropping 80 feet within a few yards and tossing up a lot of spray. Parking is across the highway at a roadside park, then a hike past a gift shop and along a short but unimproved trail; while the falls are by no means inaccessible, the walk's a little demanding. The DSS&A built an ugly trestle above the falls, which now hosts a snowmobile trail and offers a fine overhead view of the falls. (Though I'm quite enamoured of the South Shore in general, I despise this bridge. I do recognize that many people like it better than I do. Oh, well.) Joan and I visited the falls in 2000; the excursion started from McLain State Park and also included Bond Falls (just a few miles up the Ontonagon from Agate) and (unexpectedly) O-Kun-De-Kun Falls, on the Baltimore River, which we'd not previously known. I'll write that hike up some other time.... Camera: Nikon N90s

O Kun De Kun Falls

18 Jun 2005 60
Near Bruce Crossing, Michigan's Upper Peninsula Camera: Nikon N90s

O Kun De Kun Falls

18 Jun 2005 61
Near Bruce Crossing in Upper Michigan. Camera: Nikon N90s

Above the Falls

18 Jun 2005 68
O Kun De Kun Falls, near Bruce Crossing in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Camera: Nikon N90s

Canyon Falls

01 Jan 1980 63
Not sure where I took this. Above Laughing Whitefish? Silver River Falls? Upper Michigan, anyway. Thanks to Michigan Nut for identifying this fall. See the comment below. Camera: Minolta Zoom 110 SLR

Upper Falls

02 Jul 2003 61
Two years ago we were also vacationing up north; of course I have pix.... Tahquamenon Falls State Park, near Paradise, Michigan. The water's brown in the picture because, well, the water is brown.

Lower Falls

21 Jun 2003 59
Looks best large . Tahquamenon Falls State Park, near enough Paradise for most purposes. The lower falls are not a single fall; they're a series of rapids which surround a fairly large island in the Tahquamenon River. This photo captures the rushing, darkly-colored water about as well as any I've taken.

Upper Falls

01 Aug 2003 83
Explored! #457 [July 23, 2007, but no longer in the top 500] Thanks! Tahquamenon Falls State Park, in upper Michigan. Generally I'm disapointed in my photos of this massive waterfall, but I think this one came out pretty well.

Waterfall, near Kaymoor ruins

21 Jul 2004 84
This waterfall's on the trail to Kaymoor One mine site in West Virginia's New River Valley. It's a tall thing; the photo shows less than half of the cascade. Just of bit of Joan showing on the bridge.... Photo taken with my Nikon N90s

Silver River Falls

19 Jul 2005 86
Near Eagle Harbor, extreme northern Michigan. Considering that the falls are accessible from the highway, that there are always photographers wandering around the place, and the the falls and bridge are quite picturesque, there are really very few photos of the place on the web....

Cumberland Falls

01 Jun 1961 68
1961: We were following US-27 through Kentucky, on our way to visit Mom's sister Violet, in Georgia. We found this. Absolutely stunning. No idea who the people are. Not us, to be sure. Photo by Roger Dinda/Argus C3


01 Jan 1962 55
Can anyone tell me what waterfall this is? Found amongst my father's slides. Taken in 1962, so it's likely from the same vacation as the Siblings pic ; therefore it's almost certainly in Michigan's U.P. But I don't recognize it. Regardless: A terrific shot. Photo by Roger Dinda Camera: Argus C3

Cascade River Falls

29 Jan 2006 67
Far away in northern Minnesota, 1996. I'd camped in Cascade River State Park three times, over the years, beginning in 1981. Somehow I managed not to find the waterfall until the '96 trip. This time we parked on the highway and followed the trail up the river. Well worth the short, fairly steep, hike. Sometimes I feel a little, well, foolish.... Camera: Chinon Genesis III

Unknown Waterfall

04 Jan 2006 52
Anyone know what fall this is? Somewhere in Upper Michigan, 1962. Roger Dinda photograph, taken with an Argus C3. Scanned from a slide.

50 items in total