KBC @ Scotts Mill

Scotts Mill

West of Kalamazoo, there's a county park built around an old mill. The park's been there for thirty years; the mill dates from shortly after the Civil War. It's been a while since I was last there, but for the park's first decade or so I was there quite regularly. These pix date from that time.

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01 Jan 1976

151 visits

KBC @ Scotts Mill

The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club takes an excursion to Scotts Mill County Park, sometime in 1976. As I recall, the park hadn't yet officially opened, but we found the park system's naturalist wandering the place and she gave us a tour. An interesting day. The building in the background is the miller's home; the mill itself is to the left of and behind the photographer. The fence in this photo is also prominent in the photo I posted a few months back.... This photo may be mine--in which case it's an unusually clear shot from my Minolta Zoom 110--or (more likely) it was taken by my brother (Kalamazoo Richard) with his Olympus OM-1.

01 Jan 1976

88 visits

Scotts Milling Co

A Kalamazoo Bicycle Club rider at Scotts Mill County Park; 1976. Camera: Minolta Zoom 100. (Possibly Richard's, with his OM-1--but I don't think so.)

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01 Jan 1977

163 visits

Scotts Mill

Santa delivered Minolta's then brand-new 110 Zoom SLR in 1976, so a few days later (quite likely New Years' Day) I borrowed Mom's Beetle and shot some pix. Among the places I visited was the newly-minted Scotts Mill Park, where I took a couple dozen pictures of the old mill which is the park's soul. Camera: Minolta Zoom 110 SLR

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29 Apr 2006

49 visits

Tall Tales

Storytelling Festival, Scotts Mill County Park, Scotts, Michigan; July 1992.

29 Apr 2006

54 visits

Under the Skirt

Storytelling Festival, Scotts Mill County Park, Scotts, Michigan; July 1992. This is one of my most popular pix, doubtless because of the suggestive title. Sorry (not really) to disappoint those of you looking for something else.

29 Apr 2006

64 visits

Young Storyteller

July 1992: Mom called. Said that there was going to be a story telling festival at Scotts Mill, and that I should invite her to go with me. I did, and we did.

30 Apr 2006

54 visits

Mom, Listening

One of my very favorite photographs. Storytelling Festival, Scotts Mill County Park, Scotts, Michigan; July 1992.

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01 Aug 1992

1 comment

234 visits

In Character

Mom called one evening in 1992 and invited me to take her to a festival at Scotts Mill County Park in Scotts, Michigan. She'd joined a storytelling group at the Kalamazoo Library and wanted to see some of the group in action. So we went, and enjoyed. There were young folks and old folks and in-between folks. Some were quite good; others needed to work on technique. This guy was being Davy Crockett, declaiming his exploits on the wild frontier. Best in show.

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26 Sep 2006

3 favorites


113 visits

Mill Pond

Scotts Mill County Park, Scotts, Michigan. Photo by Richard Dinda , 9/26/2006.