Sunflower Under Construction

One Sunflower

04 Aug 2014

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210 visits

Sunflower Under Construction

One Sunflower . Green on green.

06 Aug 2014

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178 visits

Still Under Construction...

...but gaining. This is the same sunflower I showed you a couple days back. One Sunflower .

07 Aug 2014

146 visits

Making Progress

One Sunflower . It's not fully open yet, but is certainly gaining.

08 Aug 2014

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154 visits

The Continuing Adventure of the Sunflower Outside My Window

One Sunflower .

09 Aug 2014

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160 visits

That Sunflower Again

One Sunflower . There's something special about the backside of these flowers. The blossom is pretty much fully open at this point, and I'll likely show you the face tomorrow.

10 Aug 2014


143 visits

Up Close

One Sunflower . Once again, the sunflower outside my window.

11 Aug 2014

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192 visits


One Sunflower . A more conventional, straight into the flower's face, view of the sunflower we've been watching open for the past week. As you can see, as of this morning the flower's pretty much fully developed.

10 Aug 2014

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1 comment

150 visits

The Sunflower in Context

One Sunflower . The same sunflower I've been photographing for the past week, photographed from our porch.

13 Aug 2014

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240 visits

The Pollen Collector

On that same sunflower. Getting this photo was harder than I expected.... Now the pace of the sunflower pix will slow. But we may be watching it decay until April. One Sunflower .
17 items in total