A Ghost of Winters Past

Palmer Avenue

The home and neighborhood I grew up in. Kalamazoo, Michigan, mostly in the 1960s.

01 Jan 1972

81 visits

Old Snow

It was new snow when I shot this pic in 1972. That's our tiny (1930s-era) garage on Palmer Avenue in Kalamazoo in the foreground. I scanned 85 photographs yesterday, all from my first few months home from Vietnam. You'll certainly see more of 'em. Camera: Minolta SR-T 101

28 Nov 2005

74 visits

Pink House

Another photo from late 1971 or early 1972: The view from our front porch on Palmer Avenue. Dad grew up on this block, and both his sister (in the house at the left in this photo) and his parents (a couple houses down the block) were still there when we moved to the neighborhood. So it was sort of a family enclave. If I can locate appropriate photographs, I'll give you a little tour. Unfortunately, I've forgotten the name of the folks in the pink house. (Debbie? Dick? Can you help?) I do recall that he was a skinny little thing, while she was the widest person I've ever encountered. Good neighbors, except for the pink siding. Another SR-T 101 photo.

01 Jan 1972

86 visits

Sun Porch

More old snow. The back of our house on Palmer Avenue in Kalamazoo, late in 1971 or early 1972. Camera: Minolta SR-T 101.

01 Jan 1972

104 visits

Backyard Snow

Three views of our back yard, on Palmer Avenue, in Kalamazoo. Virginia Brown built that redwood fence to keep our baseballs out of her yard. This pic's obviously a DOF play. Came out fairly well, methinks. January 1972 or thereabouts; shot with my Minolta SR-T 101.

01 Jan 1972

106 visits

The Redwood Fence

Three views of our back yard, on Palmer Avenue, in Kalamazoo. Virginia Brown built that redwood fence to keep our baseballs out of her yard. The tree's a butternut. Notice the picnic table in the background. January 1972 or thereabouts; shot with my Minolta SR-T 101.

01 Jan 1972

106 visits

Palmer Avenue Back Yard

Three views of our back yard, on Palmer Avenue, in Kalamazoo. Virginia Brown built that redwood fence to keep our baseballs out of her yard. The bushes are forsythias.... January 1972 or thereabouts; shot with my Minolta SR-T 101.

01 Dec 1971

81 visits

A Remembrance of Christmas Past

Dinda family Christmas in 1971; Palmer Avenue in Kalamazoo. Camera: Minolta SR-T 101

01 Feb 1958

96 visits

Even Older Snow

Deep snow at 1318 Palmer Avenue in Kalamazoo. Compare this view with the 1972 photo I took of the same sunporch for a sense of scale; there's a lot more snow in this pic. The icicles were a constant decoration, or bother. Dad's slide dates from the 1950s. We moved to the Palmer house in 1957, and I suspect this was taken during our first winter. Since we stayed there for fifteen years, the two pictures demonstrate the change in appearance of the house during our tenure. Things badly needed paint at this point; I'd guess this is a winter '57-'58 picture just from the state of the window frames. The house was never in poor shape, but we devoted a lot of effort to keeping things up. Looks like our predecessors weren't so determined to do that. Camera: Argus C3

01 Jan 1972

58 visits

Richard's Built In Bed

Another previously-unseen photo of Kalamazoo Richard . Like this one , the developer never printed the picture, because it came from a damaged roll.... When we lived on Palmer, Dick & I shared an upstairs room with built-in beds. That's where he's sitting. Christmas or thereabouts, 1971/72. Camera: Minolta SR-T 101
14 items in total