The Third Little House on M-43, with Bicycle

Took a Walk Around Mulliken This Morning

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15 Jul 2014

149 visits

The Third Little House on M-43, with Bicycle

My personal favorite for the walk. Continuing/resuming my series of monochrome pix of the houses on the south side of M-43.

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15 Jul 2014

111 visits

The Fourth Little House on M-43

Last week there was a "For Sale" sign in this yard. The sign's gone and they've done a bit of exterior work, and it looks like some remodelling going on inside. Another of the M-43 monochromes.

15 Jul 2014

127 visits

Mike's Garage

15 Jul 2014

81 visits

Mulliken Methodist

Two versions of the same pic. This building was originally a 1960s elementary school. When the church purchased the property they demolished part of the building and added on elsewhere. This version's done up to look like a postcard, though the basic color palette's pretty much Sony's. Then I cropped it to a non-postcard shape.

15 Jul 2014

141 visits

Mulliken Methodist

Two versions of the same pic. This building was originally a 1960s elementary school. When the church purchased the property they demolished part of the building and added on elsewhere. This version took the other version and converted it to look like Fomapan printed on Fomaspeed, using Aftershot Pro's tools to make the conversion. Really can't decide which version I prefer.

15 Jul 2014

124 visits


In the back yard of one of our neighbors. Neat, no?