Deer in Field


Broad views, usually of "natural" areas.

Deer in Field

06 Jul 2003 102
Joan said: "There's a deer." Yup.

Pond, Tahquamenon Falls State Park

21 Jun 2003 132
June 21 was a Black Fly day at Tahquamenon Falls in 2003. This very pretty pond justified the hike, though, and we were back (minus the flies) a few weeks later to explore further down the trail. Camera: Nikon N90s

High Sky

01 Dec 2003 128
A chilly and windy and beautiful day in central Michigan.

On the Beach

01 Jul 1999 159
Beach, Pictured Rocks National Seashore, Lake Superior, Michigan.

Sandhills @ Big Marsh Lake

18 Oct 2003 176
Imagine, if you will, hundreds of four-foot-tall birds all landing at the same lake on a perfect October evening. This photo will help. Since we missed the 2003 Crane Fest, we spent this evening at Big Marsh Lake and watched the cranes come in with perhaps a hundred other mid-Michigan bird watchers. It was wonderful. If you live anywhere near where these birds congregate, I urge you to spend an evening with Sandhill Cranes. The sights are sublime; the sounds are incredible. Camera: Nikon N90s

Saint Ignace Sunset

25 Sep 2002 160
Joan and I spend a couple weekends each year in St. Ignace, on the Straits of Mackinac. This is why.

Perfect Sky

19 Oct 2003 162
Still another pic from Sunday's visit to the Bennett farm. It was a great day.

Sunset, near Mulliken

20 Mar 2004 173
The first day of spring had this marvelous ending. Photo taken on Saginaw Highway between Mulliken and Sunfield.

Morning Sky

29 Apr 2005 1 237
Stepped out the door this morning, noticed the complicated sky and the delightful light, and grabbed the camera. I took several good photographs, which I'll likely share over the next few days. Since one of my objects was to capture the patterns in the sky, I headed down Mulliken Road and kept my eye out for an open shot. This view is just south of St. Joe....


29 Apr 2005 1 150
Farm buildings through the morning's haze. Another picture from the same location as yesterday's shot, but with most of the scenery cropped away.

Edge of Mulliken

25 Apr 2004 122
This was taken yesterday afternoon from my front yard, looking across Potter Street. We're surrounded by farms. When I was searching for a home, I stopped at the Mulliken Post Office and asked the postmaster about the town. He told me the place used to be a farm town, but was rapidly becoming a bedroom community--a distant suburb of Lansing. There's truth in that characterization. But it's not the whole truth.

Lower Falls @ Tahquamenon

21 Jun 2003 171
The Tahquamenon has two falls--the great Upper Falls , and the less impressive, but very lovely, Lower Falls which are several miles downriver. The lower falls are actually a series of cascades on two sides of an island. This view of the lower falls area, which appears to be deliberately framed for folks leaving the visitor center, captures the charms of the place well.

Field of Stubble

29 Apr 2005 137
Camera: Nikon D70


29 Apr 2005 132
I've always thought this little pasture--just a small corner on a big farm which is mostly devoted to wheat, corn, and beans--was the prettiest place on my route to work.

Rising Sun

Pond, Billwood Highway

25 May 2004 135
May 25, 2004: That's a local farmer's field. Someone's been piling water on it.... Central Michigan is, well, wet. Took this picture on the way to work this morning; it's a couple miles down the road from the office. These soggy fields are pretty common around here these days. The water levels are down a bit from last Friday, but the meteorologists keep promising more rain. It's already the wettest May on record, and there's a real chance to break the rainfall record for any month.

Tree in Field

29 Apr 2005 253
One more view of the former McCargar place. They, or their successors, built a house beside and up the hill from the barn (out of this photograph; see here for clues ); these trees marked the limits of the home's yard. When I moved to the area the house was still standing, but abandoned and in very poor repair; it was taken down around the same time the barn was buttressed.

CN Across Lake Interstate

06 May 2005 126
This picture was shot a mile or so from my workplace. The train's creeping along on the long siding by Lake Interstate (an artifact of the construction of I-69, friends) and will halt before it gets to the crossing. Presumably there was a train coming the other way. I kinda like the blackbird atop the sign....

549 items in total