Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Ride Start

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

I was KBC's president from 1975 through 1977, and active in the club both before and after my presidency. These photos, by me and by others, date from that time.

01 Jan 1979

134 visits

Kalamazoo Bicycle Club Ride Start

Members of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club hit the road for a club ride, sometime in the late 1970s. That's Jan Hageman pulling the trailer, Aimee Hageman in the trailer, and Dave Hageman's just getting started on the side of the road. Can't identify the other riders; any help would be welcome. I'm not really sure where this photo was taken, but other pictures in the set make it pretty clear the ride leader had chosen a local fire station for the starting point. Addendum 9/16/05: Aimee dropped me a line about this photo the other day. She was shocked.... This might be Richard's photo , not mine, in which case the camera was an Olympus OM-1. Camera: probably Minolta Zoom 110 SLR Photo (probably) by Joel Dinda sometime in the late 1970s.

01 Jan 1976

82 visits

Aimee Hageman

Aimee--who's grown up since this photo was taken--dropped me a line the other day because she'd found this photo (though I expect she found it here ). So here's another Aimee pic. Probably the same Kalamazoo Bicycle Club ride, and probably taken with my brother 's OM-1. 1976 or thereabouts; unknown location.

01 Jan 1978

157 visits

Sag Wagon, Kalamazoo Bicycle Club

Alvin Holmes and my brother Richard at the sag wagon for a Kalamazoo Bicycle Club event in the late 1970s. The car looks like Sandy Kimbrough's. The things I can't remember about this photograph are pretty annoying: I don't know where it was taken, what event we were hosting, what the date was, or who took the picture. Age and distance seem to have done my memory in.... Camera and photographer unknown.

01 Jul 1978

58 visits


Another photo by my father from the 1978 National Convention of the League of American Wheelmen, hosted by the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. No idea who these folks are, nor where they were from. Scanned from a photo print, and more photoshopped than is my usual practice.

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01 Jan 1976

141 visits

KBC @ Scotts Mill

The Kalamazoo Bicycle Club takes an excursion to Scotts Mill County Park, sometime in 1976. As I recall, the park hadn't yet officially opened, but we found the park system's naturalist wandering the place and she gave us a tour. An interesting day. The building in the background is the miller's home; the mill itself is to the left of and behind the photographer. The fence in this photo is also prominent in the photo I posted a few months back.... This photo may be mine--in which case it's an unusually clear shot from my Minolta Zoom 110--or (more likely) it was taken by my brother (Kalamazoo Richard) with his Olympus OM-1.

01 Aug 1977

84 visits

VW Sag

Here we find Mom's Beetle pretending to be a sag wagon, I think on the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's 1977 Distance Medley Tour. (My brother thinks the location was Crum Park, near Galesburg.) Mom's car didn't make a good sag wagon, but it was readily available. And quite recognizable. Camera: Minolta Zoom 110 SLR (or Olympus OM-1) Photo by Joel Dinda (I think--looks like my picture, but looks like Dick's camera)

01 Jun 1978

73 visits

The Great Escape-In

Cyclists gather at Kalamazoo Valley Community College before the opening event of the 1978 National Convention of the League of American Wheelmen ( LoA Bicyclists , now), hosted by the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club. We called the convention Escape '78, and this ride was The Great Escape-In . That's me holding the bike (wearing a KBC jersey), and my brother Richard is in the foreground (wearing the convention "jersey.") Photo by Roger Dinda

16 Oct 1971

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127 visits

KBC Century

Bicyclists lined up at Cork Lane in Kalamazoo at the start of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's first century tour. KBC's origins were already lost in the mists of time when I became the club's president in 1975. A group of cyclists who'd already been riding together informally started publishing a ride schedule sometime in 1971, and made their first publicity splash with a century (100 mile) tour late in the season. The label on this battered photograph doesn't mention the ride's length, but the starting place and the turnout make it likely this was that tour. I've a number of old KBC photographs in my collection, and will likely post them from time to time. Several, including this one, were used in club publicity displays in the late 1970s, which wasn't good for the prints. Many of the pix are nonetheless worth publishing. Kalamazoo Gazette photo by John Lacko October 16, 1971

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01 Jun 1981

95 visits

Age 32: Joel @ Macalester College

Me, when I was younger and still thin, balancing on my bike in front of the old Student Union at Macalester College. The jersey advertises Cycle City, sponsor of the Kalamazoo Bicycle Club's racing team. Photo by Tim Haviland in the summer of 1981. (This is the bike I just restored .)
23 items in total