Gold Finch

Mostly Spent Yesterday Afternoon Watching Birds in the Yard

I'm really not a serious birder, but I do enjoy watching the songbirds in the yard.

06 Jun 2014

111 visits

Gold Finch

Pretty much my usual bird shot.

06 Jun 2014

98 visits

House Sparrow Under Cover

So I started watching for birds in the pine.

06 Jun 2014

73 visits

House Sparrow in Pine

This guy's a little feisty.

06 Jun 2014

1 favorite

75 visits

House Finch

Another of my usual shots, though shot from a different angle than usual. (Not that you'd know from the result.)

06 Jun 2014

141 visits

House Finch

Severely cropped. Good cameras are nice.

06 Jun 2014

116 visits

House Finch

Here he is under cover, watching me watching him.

06 Jun 2014

87 visits


And another of my "traditional" shots. I use this tree as a prop constantly.

06 Jun 2014

94 visits


And let's end with a couple action shots.

06 Jun 2014

166 visits


My favorite of yesterday's pix. Pretty sure this one's a female House Sparrow.