Glen Haven Canning Company

Glen Haven

A little tour of Glen Haven, Michigan.

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24 Sep 2012

79 visits

Glen Haven Canning Company

Now a museum. Glen Haven was first a logging port, then a fruit canning operation. By my first visit (in 1961) it was entirely devoted to tourists.

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24 Sep 2012

76 visits

Glen Haven Canning Company

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24 Sep 2012

75 visits

Glen Haven

DH Day's Glen Haven Store, and outbuildings. Now a museum, and one of the offices for the National Park (Lakeshore).

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24 Sep 2012

80 visits

Glen Haven

This used to be M-209--"Michigan's shortest state highway". Sleeping Bear Inn on the right, the Day Store on the left, the Blacksmith Shop beyond the store, and a handful of houses. Even in its prime this was a tiny place.

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24 Sep 2012

96 visits

Glen Haven

The Inn, with the Day Store in the distance.

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18 Mar 2006

66 visits

Glen Haven

The Glen Haven Canning Company; once a cherry packing firm owned by D.H. Day, now a delightful boating museum on Sleeping Bear Bay. Part of the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore.

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24 Sep 2012

85 visits

South Manitou Island, across the Breakers

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24 Sep 2012

83 visits

Breakers Off Sleeping Bear Point

Another view of Monday's dramatic waves. The South Manitou Island Lighthouse is about dead center in this photo....

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24 Sep 2012

86 visits

Sleeping Bear Bay

From Glen Haven. How can you not love a place that looks like this?
15 items in total