Flag Day

Old Glory

A Liberal, a Democrat, a Patriot.

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01 Jun 2005

73 visits

Flag Day

Explored! #122 on Flickr [February 5, 2008] (but no longer in the day's top 500). Thanks! Charlotte Highway, Mulliken, Michigan. Photo taken from my bicycle on Memorial Day. Happy birthday, Thelma!

14 Jun 2005

69 visits

Shutterbabe Amongst the Flags

Fifth Third Ballpark, Grand Rapids.

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25 Sep 2003

86 visits

Old Harbor

South Haven's Old Harbor Inn is really just too picturesque for words; you've really got to see the place to believe. But our room was undeniably comfortable, had a wonderful view, and is within an easy walk of the beach. Pricing is good, too. What's not to like? The hotel's restaurant, York's Landing, is at the end of this pretty little lane of shops (they call it Old Harbor Village). Our room was up the stairs from the upper walkway on the right.

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03 Jul 2005

74 visits

Blue Water Boundary

It's late afternoon at the base of Lake Huron and the sailboats are returning to the marinas. Sarnia's Flag Plaza, shot from Port Huron's. We spend yesterday watching the boats, watching the people, watching the birds, and enjoying the glorious weather. We also found our way to the Fort Gratiot Light, where it turns out there's a marvelous beach; we may well plan our next visit around that knowledge. It's a holiday weekend in both towns, as Canada Day celebrates the creation of the Dominion on July 1 in ways which resemble Independence Day on the American side.

15 Aug 2005

79 visits

House, with Flag

Mulliken, Michigan.

03 Dec 2005

83 visits

No Game Today

Had to wait while my druggist filled a prescription yesterday, so I found myself wandering around downtown Grand Ledge with a camera. This cozy Pony League ballpark, called Fitzgerald Field, is tucked in beneath Bridge Street's bridge across the Grand River. This is a small, but fully functional, ballyard, with bleachers and dugouts and signs on the outfield fences. Needs some grass, though. Really quite cute. Shot this photo from the bridge; Second Island would be in sight if I'd pointed the camera to the right.

11 Dec 2005

66 visits

Still Snowing in Mulliken

We haven't really had a lot of snow, but it's snowed most days since Thanksgiving. Went for a walk this morning to capture a few (more/current) snow shots. This house is a block or so down the road from mine. You may notice Old Glory on that radio antenna, to the left. It's a couple lots further along.

18 Jan 2006

114 visits

Old Glory

In front of our office, during yesterday's perpetual snowstorm . The blue flag is MIchigan's. (Hey, it's a state office .) Bright, sunny, and just gorgeous today, by the way.

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01 Apr 1991

97 visits

Age 42: Family

Proof--if anyone needs it--that it's possible to take an out-of-focus shot with what amounts to a box camera. Handed my Freedom 100 to then-uncle Jack, who attempted to take a family photo. Spring of 1991, on Mom's front porch. Jack and Mom's sister Violet had made a short stop in Kalamazoo on their way from somewhere to somewhere else. To bad the picture didn't work out; would have been a great shot.
36 items in total