It's Gonna Warm Up


It's Gonna Warm Up

06 Mar 2014 1 190
So they say....

Walkamile Trail

01 Sep 2007 219
Hoffmaster State Park, Norton Shores, Michigan. Someday the weather will clear up and we'll get back to this trail, and the Lake Michigan beach. Even with the blown out highlight, I really like this photo. I've a version without the blowout that just isn't as good.

A Tree in a Field

16 Mar 2014 191
In a field on St. Joe Highway, near Mulliken, Michigan. It's beautiful out there this morning, but quite cold.

Same Tree, Same Field

16 Mar 2014 3 227
Same photo. A monochrome version of yesterday morning's photo . If I'm to believe Aftershot Pro, this treatment imitates Adox KB 25 D-76 (7 min) printed on Ilford Multigrade IV.

The Cottage Across from Island Park

18 Mar 2014 187
With ducks! Grand Ledge, Michigan.

Another Version of that Tree

16 Mar 2014 4 197
This version's cross-processed. Brings the sky out nicely, methinks.


21 Mar 2014 3 186
Beautiful light this morning. On Saginaw Highway, quite close to Mulliken but the farm likely thinks of itself as "near Grand Ledge."

We Went for a Walk in the Woods

22 Mar 2014 2 207
A short walk. We were hoping we'd encounter Sandhill Cranes, but no such luck. The pond, as always, was pretty. Michigan Audubon's Bernard Baker Sanctuary , south of Bellevue, Michigan.


22 Mar 2014 2 182
Another view of Baker Sanctuary's pond.

Winter Woods

22 Mar 2014 2 200
Across the swamp at Baker Sanctuary.

Too Cold for a Picnic

22 Mar 2014 3 1 199
Another photo from yesterday's Baker Sanctuary excursion.


24 Mar 2014 128
In one of our neighbors' yards; nearly all of 'em have similar views. Left over from the pre-Christmas ice storm....

Barn in Winter

25 Mar 2014 7 3 233
Spicer Highway, a bit north of Olivet, MIchigan.

The Endless Winter

27 Mar 2014 3 233
I much preferred yesterday's bright sunlight. Not to be, I guess.

Grand River

27 Mar 2014 3 2 186
North of Grand Ledge, during yesterday's snow. The river's high .

The Ruin at the End of Bridge Street

28 Mar 2014 1 178
I'm sure there's an explanation for this, but I don't know why there used to be a bridge here, what it connected to on the far side, or why it's been abandoned. Bridge Street's little more than an alley on the edge of Bailey Park, which is itself on the fringe of Battle Creek. The street runs between the outfield walls of three baseball diamonds and an ever-dwindling set of small houses. Related photograph here .

Holum Street

02 Apr 2014 1 207
Porches, trees, and front lawns along the sidewalk. Downtown DeForest, Wisconsin.

St Joe Highway on a Foggy Morn

04 Apr 2014 3 260
Joan bought me a new lens for my birthday. I think it will do....

324 items in total