Squirrel in the Snow


Squirrel in the Snow

You Look Nice! Can I Be Your Friend?

24 Mar 2014 1 186
Needless to say, our cats were skeptical. Returned from an errand this morning and this guy rushed out of our garage to greet me in the driveway. He's a really friendly fellow with far too much energy. He lives a few doors down and occasionally escapes from his keepers, at which times he greets everyone he meets and terrorizes the outdoor cats.


17 May 2011 67
Bang! Knocked you clean off your feet! These two have been quarrelling about something (territory) for days. This afternoon the grackle was repeatedly assaulting the squirrel, whose only real effort to protect himself was to hide under his tail while he ate beneath the feeder. ============== Shot with an ill-set-up camera--I'd been taking photos for eBay sales--through a dirty window....

The Welcoming Committee

It Turns Out that Buddy likes Apples

Seems we feed squirrels, too.


31 Jan 2013 91
Around noon at our pedestal feeder.

Our Buddy

15 Aug 2012 1 2 98
Buddy visited us daily. He likes apples . And this is his favorite pose. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . 366 Snaps project discussion and stats for August 15 .

Oh, Deer!

17 Nov 2012 1 2 149
I used this photo as a Facebook cover a year ago. Joan's sister's reaction was "Bang!" I wasn't surprised. Here's the classic opportunity shot. You grab the camera and shoot through the car window because, well, it's obviously a photograph. My camera was on the seat, and turned on, but set up poorly for the situation. It all worked out, but needed some post-processing effort to make the image presentable. That's the Spitzley place in the background, and the deer are less than a half mile from my house. But somehow we've never seen deer in our yard. Sometimes I wonder about that. That's not to say that I actually want them to visit. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . 366 Snaps project discussion and stats for November 17 .

Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery

26 Sep 2003 66
Muskies, I think. The hatchery's near Mattawan, Michigan. Back when I was a kid, this was one of my favorite places to visit.

Hello There!

The Squirrel on the Birdbath Base

Frog, Cheboygan State Park

31 Jul 2011 92
Teensy little guy--about the size of a nickel.

Squirrel, with food hoard

31 Jul 2011 74
@ Cheboygan State Park. This little guy and his mates kept us entertained all week.

Hold Tight!

11 Sep 2011 77
Went out to fill the bird bath yesterday afternoon, and found this little guy hiding in the coiled hose. Ain't he cute?

Honey Bee

07 Jun 2012 86
On Joan's Sage.

I See You!

09 Jun 2012 72
Where's your Mama, baby? Our yard's second raccoon in two days; this one's just a baby. Hiding here underneath our hosta. Anybody want him?

What Do You Do with a Baby Raccoon?

10 Jun 2012 116
Baby Raccoon prepares to take a nap in the shade. Ain't he cute?

49 items in total