M/V Walter McCarthy

Fog and Haze

Photographs from foggy days--mostly mornings.

M/V Walter McCarthy

05 Jul 2004 155
M/V Walter J. McCarthy, Jr, heading toward Lake Huron under the Blue Water Bridges early yesterday afternoon. When I published a photo of Indiana Harbor a few months ago I remarked that the American Steamship freighters all look "pretty much alike"--still true, as you can see by comparing the photographs. It's still a thrill to see these big ships on the water, particularly when they're lightly loaded and seem more like a portable wall than a vessel. This boat is Indiana Harbor's twin, though their normal cargoes differ somewhat. By the way, it isn't always grey in Port Huron, but the town does seem to have its own private weather much of the time.

Cog Railway

01 Jul 2002 77
A locomotive named Kro Flite, nearly hidden in the fog at the top of New Hampshire's Mount Washington Cog Railway, in July of 2002. I posted a similar photo several months ago; this one has more detail for the loco. Camera: Nikon N90s

Cog Railway

01 Jul 2002 76
We got to the top of the mountain and could mostly see fog....

Needmore Fog

25 Oct 2004 56
Yesterday's trip to work featured patchy fog. Here's my attempt to capture the phenomenon in pixelated form. Needmore Road, not so far from Potterville, Michigan.

Fog at the Bridge

01 Jun 2000 111
A couple walks along the beach at Old Mackinac Point, just east of the Straits Bridge and Colonial Michilimackinac. The weather on this June day in 2000 was interesting, but quite odd. The fog obscuring the view at the point was extremely local. Quite near this place the air was clear and visibility was more or less unlimited. But the bridge? You could just barely make it out.... Camera: Nikon N90s

Rain on the Sunset

24 Aug 2006 87
North of Sunfield, Michigan.

The House on the Hill, with fudge

27 Feb 2006 87
Shot across Traverse Bay on my birthday last winter. Sometime this evening the counter on my photo stream will top 100,000. Thanks to everyone who stops by. I'm grateful for the attention. Explored! [#447 on Friday, August 17, 2007.] Thanks! (No longer in the top 500.)


24 Aug 2006 73
Near Sunfield, Michigan, coming home after a rained out baseball game.


05 Dec 2010 96
Good Harbor Bay, on Lake Michigan, looking toward Pyramid Point. A different sunset from yesterday's photo , but another photo from Jolli-Lodge on the same 1999 weekend.


25 Sep 1999 93
Joan at the New River Bridge, in 1999.

Morning Haze

Nothing to See but Fog

A Farm by the Highway

Bonley Farm

Meadowbrook Cemetery

Farm Town: Main Street, Sunfield

The Moyer Graveyard

79 items in total