Oreo's Found Sunlight

Here Kitty Kitty

Peppermint, Butterscotch, Taffy (the Candy kitties)--& Oreo (the Cookie kitty). And any other kitty who wanders into sight.

Because there are always birds in our yard, there are always cats in our yard.

Oreo's Found Sunlight

13 Dec 2012 3 3 220
Joel should always open the door. So say the kitties. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . 366 Snaps project discussion and stats for December 13 .


13 Dec 2012 2 192
Being cute for the camera. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . 366 Snaps project discussion and stats for December 13 .

Oreo and the Blizzard

05 Jan 2014 2 177
Interrupting my social media break to post a few snowbound photographs.

The Old Grouch

30 Sep 2012 2 92
I ended last September's 366 Snaps effort by taking some playful pictures around the yard, and of our larger cat. Taffy was not amused. ========== A couple weeks back I called the Galaxy Tab a preposterous camera . I certainly stand by that assessment, but another truth is that it works as well as did your typical box camera. While it's far less capable than my "real" cameras, the Tab is certainly capable of taking very good photographs. I should briefly mention the software I used last September. Unlike February's Droid Bionic photographs, where I mostly used the "camera's" native application, during September I mostly used ProCapture , by NEast Studios America. While I don't really believe the app improves my photographs significantly, it's a more comfortable application for my purposes. And since I've also installed it on my phone (now a Galaxy Note II, but then a Droid Bionic), I benefit a bit from having the same controls on both devices. (I also took a couple shots using Moment's Little Photo , which is fun but not a serious photographer's tool). Except for the Little Photo pix, all of September's photographs were processed using Bibble Pro (now Corel Aftershot Pro) on my MacBook or my Windows desktop. File transfers to the laptop were always made using SwiFTP on the mobile device and Transmit on the computer. I suppose I could have used Samsung's Kies, but evidently no one in their right mind would do that . (You really want to follow that link. Neat rants.) ========== Since the Tab's camera produces only JPG files, and has a monochrome setting, I didn't have to ponder what b&w means while using this setup. All of the September photographs were shot in monochrome, and the processing mostly consisted of cropping and sharpening. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 27 Title of " roll :" Taffy - Around the Yard Other photos taken on 9/30/2012: none.

Taffy Under Blankie


01 May 2014 2 239
Some days y' just gotta go with what you got....


07 Nov 2005 72
Adopted cat, originally known as Kitty. Freda's pretty fuzzy, but this photo exaggerates it....

The Stalker

Joan & Oreo

11 Feb 2006 75
Minolta SR-T 101.

Taffy @ Rest

This is Freda

20 Aug 2006 90
One of Joan's parents' cats. Freda lives in the garden all summer, then moves into the house for the bad-weather season. Seen here curled up on the sidewalk we all built for Paul & Thelma in May. Originally an abandoned cat, she lived in the garden year-round for the first couple years we knew her, and we all called her "Kitty." When she moved in Paul decided she needed a real name. Even though she's been de-clawed, she's able to provide for herself. Underneath that heavy fur coat, though, she's a pretty skinny thing.... ==================== Addition 10/26/07: Freda took ill and passed away a month or so ago. Everyone misses her.

Taffy Concentrates

The Calico Cat

30 Dec 2007 74
Taffy's sister. Like Goldie, Cali's unlikely to show up when we visit Joan's parents--but Goldie's shy, while Cali's just uninterested in visitors. When she deigns to leave the sewing room, she's friendly enough.


30 Dec 2007 56
Another of Taffy 's litter-mates. Unlike Romeo , Goldie's an extremely shy cat, so I don't get many opportunities to photograph him. So we'll settle for this not-particularly-sharp photo.


05 Dec 2010 65
Our black & white in black & white....

207 items in total