One Cold Jay


One Cold Jay

Sparrows and a House Finch

The Thirsty Birds Watch the Air Show

First Snow

15 Jan 2007 2 213
From a few years back. This is the view from our deck, or the garage. It's not much different from today's view--except the stubble in the foreground's become a lawn, and the row of trees along the street's been removed.

Field of Snows

19 Dec 2013 1 1 158
This photo lacks the sharpness and clarity I generally prefer, but gosh it shows the way things have looked around here lately.

Inevitably, the Trellis

21 Dec 2012 2 195
Last December 21 our area caught the edge of the storm the Weather Channel christened Draco . I mostly stayed inside, though I ventured outside for the 366 Snaps session. Of course the trellis was one of my subjects. Of course. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 24 Title of " roll :" Winter Storm Draco Other photos taken on 12/21/2012: There were Cardinals in the yard all day; I took about a hundred photographs, and published a bunch of 'em. And Oreo tried to steal Joan's pistachios .


21 Dec 2012 1 2 145
Last December 21 our area caught the edge of the storm the Weather Channel christened Draco . I mostly stayed inside, though I ventured outside for the 366 Snaps session. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . 366 Snaps project discussion and stats for December 21 .

Ice Storms are Pretty, but Tend to Break Stuff...

21 Dec 2013 3 190 trees, and power lines, and pickup trucks, and hips....

Everywhere there's ice...

Broken Tree

22 Dec 2013 1 1 152
Pretty typical damage. It was a hard day for trees around our place.


22 Dec 2013 4 3 229
Showed you this drive just the other day. Here , for one instance. And here , somewhat earlier.
14 Dec 2013 195
Christmas greetings to my ipernity friends. Bless you all.
25 Dec 2013 1 1 254
Pretty sure that these are the folks who restored our power. Not a great photo, but I need to express our appreciation.

White Pine

21 Dec 2013 190
With ice, of course. Was planning to post this yesterday, as my Christmas Day photo, but stuff happened.

Bennett Farm Ice

23 Dec 2013 163
More icy trees....

A Whitish Christmas

25 Dec 2012 1 1 180
We'd just watched Holiday Inn . That's my excuse for the title I gave the set. Fifteen shots was usually enough to find myself a photo for 366 Snaps , but last Christmas I rejected all 43 photographs from my first session, and tried again. For what it's worth, I'd have rejected 'em again today. The early shots were of sparrows, at the feeder, through the picture window. That's pushing what a slow camera can do, and the results weren't what I'd hoped. So I wandered outside and took photographs of the new snow in our yard. Those I'm quite happy with, thank you. ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 43 & 20 Title of " roll :" Sparrows, mostly and A Whitish Christmas Other photos taken on 12/25/2012: As usual we spent Christmas at the farm, where I shot 18 photographs of David's dogs and one of David.

492 items in total