Old Schoolhouse


Old Schoolhouse

29 Apr 2005 99
Eaton County has several old, one-room schoolhouses. One is still functioning as a school, and another survived into the twenty-first century but closed a couple years ago, but most--like this one--have long since been converted to dwellings. It's not obvious from this photo, but this building still sports the school bell.

Ionia Street, Mulliken

26 Dec 2003 95
Houses on Ionia Street; photo taken the day after Christmas, 2003.

School Bus

20 Dec 2005 168
Probably Dedham, Iowa, 1930s. From my mother's collection; she grew up in Carroll. Information about the bus would be welcome--leave a comment if you know anything. Thanks. Photographer and camera unknown. Scan updated--but still not good--12/20/05.


12 Jun 2005 92
I like everything about this garage--the color, the shake-shingle roof, the trellises, the roses. Very nice.

Firestone Farm

01 Oct 1988 64
This is the home where Henry Ford's friend Harvey Firestone grew up, as preserved at Ford's Greenfield Village. The photo was taken in the fall of 1988, only a few years after the farm was transplanted from Ohio. Reducing Firestone to "Henry's friend" is a tremendous injustice. Firestone was an industrial giant in his own right; that he was friends with Ford and Edison is certainly important, but it leaves out most of the man's life. I make it to Greenfield once or twice a decade. In all those visits, the addition of this farm is the biggest, and most obvious, change in the place. Greenfield Village is a strange and wonderful place--a very personal museum and preservation effort, done on a very large scale, reflecting the eccentric personality and interests of its founder still five and a half decades after his death. That, friends, is a legacy. Scanned from a slide. Camera: Minolta Freedom 100

Otto Road Panorama

23 Feb 2005 77
Near Potterville, Michigan. This is outside Roxand Township, but not far outside so I'm including it in my Mulliken group. I know. You really don't care....


19 Aug 2005 148
Rock Falls, Illinois. A dreadfully busy snapshot of a house I spotted while we were loading Debbie's stuff into the truck. I love the roofline, and the odd porch. Mebbe someday I'll try doing the ericdege thing to this one....

Shadow & Light on Brick

27 Aug 2005 63
Think this was originally the parsonage at Mulliken Methodist Church. Regardless, I like the way the sun highlights the textures....

House, with Flag

15 Aug 2005 87
Mulliken, Michigan.


17 Sep 2005 65
Bonley Farm, near Mulliken, Michigan.

Edna's Place and the Moon

15 Oct 2005 88
Joan's sister lives across the field from their parents.

Population 53

18 Oct 2005 92
Chester, Michigan. I seem to be out photographing really small towns, this week.

Doors & Windows

15 Aug 2005 58
North Street, downtown (ha!) Mulliken, Michigan.

What There is at Kelly, Michigan

29 Oct 2005 82
About a half-mile southeast of Little Venice is an even smaller "named place," called Kelly. Here in 2005 it's pretty difficult to see why any map would show Kelly as a place at all; the settlement consists of a couple homes and a gaggle of barns and other farm outbuildings. I seem to remember a cute one-room schoolhouse--gothic?--standing at this corner until a few years back, but it collapsed. The road, here, is labelled Needmore Highway; at the stop sign it crosses a diagonal Clinton Trail (M-50). Needmore ends two miles past 50, only to resume a couple miles later as Kelly Highway, which would make more sense if the road actually connected to Kelly. A few miles more and it changes to Coats Grove Road, which likely attracts X-Files pilgrims . Shot from my bike, today, on what seems to have become my "normal" ride.


01 Jan 1992 84
Another photo from my New Year's Day 1992 photo shoot; this of the willow tree in the back yard of one of my neighbors. The tree's still there, and I've several photographs of it. This is the best. Camera: Minolta Freedom 100 This scan's better than the earlier one .

Pony and Pickup

03 Sep 2005 128
One of those pictures.... My vehicles, the rose of sharon, our past-their-prime daylilies, and the unfinished house across Brittney Lane. Oh, yes; there's that iris peeking around the corner, too. I really don't know whether I like this pic; there are interesting elements, but it's such a sloppy critter.

Old House on Mount Hope

11 Nov 2005 95
Another bike-by shooting from one of my regular routes.

Old House on Dow

12 Nov 2005 81
This one's abandoned, and less than a mile from the house in the previous photo. A very photogenic place; looks like it was a neat home.

183 items in total