Clouds Over Cathead Bay


Beyond any question: My best day as a photographer.

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26 Sep 2005

179 visits

Clouds Over Cathead Bay

Explored! #103 [February 4, 2013] Thanks! Leelanau State Park, Northport, Michigan. Best in large size, methinks. Two more views of this bay.

26 Sep 2005

94 visits

Grape Vine

One of the trails at Michigan's Leelanau State Park leads to a viewing platform which overlooks Lake Michigan. This grape vine's been threatening to claim the platform for its own purposes for several years, now.

26 Sep 2005

113 visits


I take lots of photos of ducks, mostly because I tend to hang out where ducks hang out. Every now and then I need to post one of those pics. I'd been photographing something else when these birds landed just a few feet from where I was watching. Obviously they're accustomed to having folks just standing around on the hotel's beach.... Traverse City, Michigan.

26 Sep 2005

93 visits

Clouds over Traverse Bay

Explored! # 392 [December 20, 2006] Thanks! From a "wayside" on the west bay.

26 Sep 2005

115 visits

Pointes North Inn

Our hotel in Traverse City.

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26 Sep 2005

228 visits

Cathead Beach

Explored! #26 [October 16, 2007] Thanks! Another dramatic photo of Cathead Bay , at Leelanau State Park near the end of Michigan's little finger. Obviously there are other routes to the bay, but we took the park's trail. The view was incredible. Unretouched except that I resized it. It's surprisingly better (in some senses, anyway) in the larger size . Added to Cream of the Crop as my best photo for 2005.

26 Sep 2005

116 visits

Leelanau State Park

Light and shadows on the trail. What we did for Joan's birthday....

26 Sep 2005

101 visits


Leelanau State Park, Michigan's little finger. Although this one's my photo, Joan spent the entire hike taking fungus pictures, many of which came out quite well. Mebbe I'll sort through 'em and post a few.

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26 Sep 2005

185 visits

Lake Michigan

Another Cathead Bay photograph from last September. Leelanau State Park , at the end of Michigan's "little finger." Memorial: Norris Ingells, a photographer whose skills always captivated and delighted me, passed away Friday . I only knew him from his photographs and his writing, but it's a great loss nonetheless. One of Lansing's great treasures. -Added to the in the morning on December 20, 2005. Explored! #19 on Sunday, July 29, 2007, where it remains. Thanks, everyone!
13 items in total