Hold Your Horses! – Glenview Mansion, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York


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03 Jan 2014

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Ice Plants – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

Carpobrotus chilensis is commonly called the "sea fig" and also the "highway ice plant." It has fleshy, spearlike leaves and prostrate roots that grow easily in sand dunes. Native to southern Africa, the ice plant was originally brought here in the early 20th century to stabilize the soil along railroad tracks. Things went awry during the 70s, when thousands of acres were planted along the medians to prevent erosion and thwart wildfires. Iceplants soon became invasive, pushing out the native plants and fauna. Some animals are happy to see them, though. California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) like to munch on sour figs, which are also fit for human consumption in the form a tart jam.

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03 Jan 2014

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425 visits

Windswept – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

319 visits

Watching the Tide Come In – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

297 visits

Grassy Bluffs – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

261 visits

Wind and Waves – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

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327 visits

The Right Angles – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

318 visits

The Cabrillo Highway – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

300 visits

The Top of the Cliffs – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

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03 Jan 2014

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334 visits

At the Foot of the Cliffs – San Gregorio Beach State Park, San Mateo County, California

556 items in total