The Keeper at the Gate!


Pictures of people. Pictures of people doing things. Pictures where people are more than just incidental.

21 May 2013

178 visits

The Keeper at the Gate!

Press z key for lightbox view!

21 May 2013

215 visits

A hem!

31 Oct 2009

236 visits

Picture of me for the Home Page

Picture of me in 2009, uploaded so that I can put something on the ipernity home page.

01 Jun 1978

250 visits

Home sewing - June 1978

Test picture taken for my first home developed film in 1978. It is Ilford HP5 film processed in ID-11. I find the grain structure less prominent, and the tones smoother, than the HP5 Plus film I have recently had developed commercially. This gives me a clue about what to do next ...

05 Aug 1989

310 visits

Filey, Yorkshire, August 1989

Please press the Z key to see in the light box! Picture taken in 1989 by my son (then aged 11) using his Olympus OM10. He has recently passed that camera on to me, and I use it for my film work. Kodak Gold 100 Colour film, scanned in CanoScan 8800F.

02 Jun 2013

174 visits

Watchers at the window

Ox Roast celebration day in the Market Square, Ledbury, Herefordshire.

02 Jun 2013

225 visits

Double bass player - The Rocking Aces

Ox Roast celebration day in the Market Square, Ledbury, Herefordshire.

02 Jun 2013

250 visits

The Rocking Aces at Ledbury

Ox Roast celebration day in the Market Square, Ledbury, Herefordshire.

02 Jun 2013

186 visits

Swinging to The Rocking Aces

Ox Roast celebration day in the Market Square, Ledbury, Herefordshire.
227 items in total