Le Gros Horloge, Rouen - May 2011

Watches and clocks

21 May 2011

217 visits

Le Gros Horloge, Rouen - May 2011

I decided to join the many millions of people who have photographed this iconic timepiece in Rue du Gros Horloge, Rouen, France . Quite a good result using 1000 ISO and a hand-held shutter speed of 1/25 sec. at f5.6. Raw file processed to JPEG in RawTherapee 3. Lens: smc PENTAX-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL WR

22 May 2011

222 visits

Shop window in Rouen, with passers by - May 2011

Reflecting on 'Time' - reflections in the window - clocks are ticking - time is passing - unknown people are passing by ..... Raw file processed in RawTherapee 3, converted direct to JPEG using AMaZE algorithm. Lens: smc PENTAX-DA 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 AL WR

04 Aug 2012

1 comment

216 visits

Suspended in Time

A 2012 DNG revisited in 2014. Pentax A 50mm f1.7 lens.

04 Jun 2014

1 favorite

199 visits

Staromestska Radnice - The Astronomical Clock at Prague

This medieval e clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still working (per Wikipedia). It is in the Old Town Square, Prague.

04 Jun 2014

453 visits

Hebrew Clock near the Old New Synagogue, Prague

23 Aug 2012

3 favorites


290 visits

All time is unredeemable

"Time present and time past // Are both perhaps present in time future // And time future contained in time past. // If all time is eternally present // All time is unredeemable." (T S Eliot, 'Burnt Norton') Three exposures on one DNG. Taken in 2012. Pentax A 50mm f1,7 lens.

11 Nov 2011

273 visits

Remembrance Day 2011

Multiple exposures on a single DNG.

14 Sep 2016

2 favorites


322 visits

Old watches

14 Sep 2016

168 visits

Old watches (colour version)

18 items in total