Two new members join the prime time club

Pentax Plastic Fantastic lenses

Pictures using the Pentax lenses dubbed 'plastic fantastic' due to their generally favourable reception despite their plastic and glass construction.

04 Oct 2022

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84 visits

Winding stairs at Sorrento

Staircase to the bell tower, at the Church and Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento.

04 Oct 2022

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39 visits

Tree trunks in Cloister

Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento.

04 Oct 2022

28 visits

Gnarled tree trunk in cloister

Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento.

04 Oct 2022

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62 visits

Portraits in harsh light

Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento.

04 Oct 2022

38 visits

Peace and goodness in Sorrento

In the cloisters at Comunitá Francescana in Sorrento, Bay of Naples. Pax et Bonum (the motto of the Christian Saint Francis of Assisi). The meaning depends to some extent on context; perhaps ‘Peace and goodness’ or Peace and goodwill’ reflect the what is intended.

04 Oct 2022

24 visits

Stair well at St Francis Cloisters

In the buildings attached to the Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento.

04 Oct 2022

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34 visits

Mother Teresa and “The Light of God”

In the Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento, there was an exhibition of photographs by Raffaele Celentano. Although he became famous for pictures taken after gaining the trust of Mother Theresa, the main part of the exhibition featured his many monochrome pictures of Italian life, in homes and in the streets. Taken over the last 30 years, they are, in my view, superb and among the finest of their type.

04 Oct 2022

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28 visits

Raffaele Celentano and “The Light of God”

In the Cloister of San Francesco d’Assisi, Sorrento, there was an exhibition of photographs by Raffaele Celentano. Although he became famous for pictures taken after gaining the trust of Mother Theresa, the main part of the exhibition featured his many monochrome pictures of Italian life, in homes and in the streets. Taken over the last 30 years, they are, in my view, superb and among the finest of their type. Monochrome copies were being sold and in some of them parts had been picked out in red - something I have echoed in this offering.

04 Oct 2022

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64 visits

Statue of St Francis at Sorrento

Near the Church of San Francesco, Sorrento. Created by sculptor Alfiero Nena. DNG heavily manipulated using Affinity Photo 2 software.
110 items in total