Unusual  bookmark found in an old book

Vintage lenses on DSLR

Pictures taken using;

Prime lenses
smc Pentax-A 50mm f1.7
Takumar-A 28mm f2.8
smc Pentax-A 100mm f2.8

zoom lens
smc Pentax-A f3.5 35mm-105mm

all dating from the 1980s.
DSLR cameras used are Pentax K10D Pentax K5 and Pentax K3 ii.

02 Sep 2011

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Unusual bookmark found in an old book

September 2011. The book is 'Chronicles of a Friendship' by the late Robert Craft. The Friend in question is the composer Igor Stravinsky (1882 - 1971) and this dried oak leaf reminded me of Stravinsky's neo-classical music called 'Dumbarton Oakes'. SMC Pentax-A 50mm f1.7 lens on Pentax K10D, raw file processed to jpeg in RawTherapee 4.

16 Sep 2011

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Late blooming rose, beginning to fade

September 2011. A salmon-pink rose that becomes pink as it fades. Dark green foliage. Variety unknown. I hope the shallow depth of field reflects the idea of 'fading'. SMC Pentax-A 50mm f1.7 lens on Pentax K10D, raw file processed to jpeg in RawTherapee 4.

28 Oct 2011

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107 visits

Shadow Dances

October 2011. SMC Pentax-A 50mm f1.7 lens on Pentax K10D DSLR camera.

15 Jan 2021

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Venturing out during Lockdown 2021

Poynton Park, Cheshire, late afternoon on January 2021. Pentax A prime lens, 50mm f1.7 on K5.

29 Dec 2020

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Flaming Katy Kalanchoe

Ideal indoor plant for the winter months. Native to Madagascar. (Toxic to dogs and cats if eaten - but they would have to be mighty hungry to do so!) Snow covered silver birch tree in the background. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

03 Dec 2020

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We may need to keep an eye on this part of the garden border. A fungus - Collared Earthstar (Geastrum triplex). SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

01 Dec 2020

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74 visits

UK is in lockdown too – the final day

“A spike at the end of Lockdown?” Let's all hope that there isn't one! The twenty seventh and final day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

30 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 26

“Now, is it better like this – or like this – or like this?” (Distance, VDU, reading.) I am looking forward to the availability of zoom spectacles – except that they could make me look like Mad Eye Moody. The twenty sixth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'.

29 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 25

“Speaker dongle and sundry other computer bits” I've had to almost completely rebuild the home/office/photography computer after persistent problems. Most of my ‘Lockdown too’ pictures have been processed using a 13 year old Dell Dimension PC and the free software that is provided for Pentax/Ricoh cameras. The twenty fifth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.
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