The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke - 1978

Medium Format

Pictures made from medium format negatives, 1978 to date.

Negatives scanned and pictures produced on a PC.

Cameras used:
Rolleiflex TLR.
Mamiya C220 TLR
Yashica-Mat TLR
Bronica ETRS SLR

Mostly Ilford FP4 and HP5 film, some Kodak film.

Black and white negatives mostly home developed in ID11/D76.

01 Nov 1978

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532 visits

The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke - 1978

Lone walker in the War Memorial Park, Basingstoke. November 1978. Rolleiflex TLR, Ilford FP4 120 size black and white negative film.

01 Nov 1978

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300 visits

The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke, 1978

Venerable tree in the War Memorial Park, Basingtoke - November 1978. It later suffered some storm damage. Rolleiflex TLR, Ilford FP4 120 size black and white negative film.

13 Apr 1979

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319 visits

Salvation Army March, Basingstoke, April 1979

Salvation army parade through Basingstoke on Good Friday, 1979. Picture taken in April 1979 using Rolleiflex TLR camera with 75mm lens. Ilford HP5 120 size black and white negative film. An experimental scan using a home-made negative frame in a CanoScan 8800F flat bed scanner.

16 Apr 1979

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257 visits

Watching Football in the Park

April 1979. Rolleiflex TLR, 75mm f3.5 lens, with Ilford HP5 film. Negative scanned in CanoScan 8800F using home-made negative frame to place the emulsion in the exact plane of focus. No digital sharpening.

13 Apr 1979

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266 visits

Salvation Army March, Basingstoke, April 1979

Picture taken in April 1979 using Rolleiflex TLR camera with 75mm lens. Ilford HP5 120 size black and white negative film. An experimental scan using a home-made negative frame in a CanoScan 8800F flat bed scanner.

05 Feb 1980

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Madonna and Child - February 1980

All Saint's Church, Basingstoke. The only picture in which I have used aperture f45. Kodak 400ASA 120 film. Scanned in CanoScan 8800F and processed in Lightroom, all digital sharpening turned off. Taken with 135mm f4.5 Sekor lens.

05 Feb 1980

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306 visits

Life is fun when you're one and a half

Kodak 400 ISO 120 film. Mamiya C220 TLR camera with 135mm f4.5 Sekor lenses. Vivitar flash (bounced). Taken sometime around February 1980.

05 Feb 1980

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272 visits

Garden Games - February 1980

"I know I got a new tricycle, but this old stick is much more fun." Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses, Kodak 400 ISO 120 size colour negative film.

05 Feb 1980

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368 visits

Lewis Chessman - Double exposure

Double exposure on a single negative, the second one with pulled focus. Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses (I think) Kodak 400 ISO 120 size colour negative film. Figure is a replica Lewis chess piece.
168 items in total