Search through Jen Pedler's photos

  Publication date  /  2010  /  July  /  29   -   35 photos

« July 2010    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31    Aug 2010 »

  • A view I will miss (not)
  • If I craned my neck I could see a tree...
  • Packed ready for the move
  • Labelling
  • Our ex-office
  • Locked for the last time
  • Last look down the corridor
  • Lecture theatre B29
  • Basement corridor
  • Basement corridor
  • Smile for the camera
  • No exit
  • Convex corridor
  • Turn left - straight on - turn left
  • Smile for the camera
  • <- Departmental offices
  • To Birkbeck College...
  • Front stairs
  • Computer Science, 1st floor...
  • Dept of Computer Science entrance
  • Will it ever get done?
  • Pause to read a paper...
  • An academic work of art
  • Yes, I'm moving...
  • Look, I've found something to throw away
  • Farewell office
  • Confidential security shredding
  • Farewell office
  • Way out
  • Convex corridor
  • Videodisc development suite
  • The corridor I walked for 12 years!
  • Back stairs from the basement 1
  • Back stairs from the basement 2
  • Basement yard