Wooden Door


Folder: London Themes
Before I moved to ipernity I used to play Guess Where London in another place. This album contains the 379 entries I posted there. As the location was eventually revealed in the comments a lot of them may be unidentified here. Maybe I'll eventually get round to adding descriptions. In the meantime you could have fun guessing them all over again!

Wooden Door

12 Feb 2009 166
Door of Orientalist carpet shop, Highgate Rd, Kentish Town

Seagull on boiled egg...

01 Jan 2008 175
... but where? (Note the answer is not "on a boiled egg" - you know who you are!)

Caged snowman

02 Feb 2009 151
A seasonal puzzle. Where is this caged snowman? (OK, I know the snowman isn't permanent but the structure he's inside is.)


01 Feb 2009 127
so where could you cash a cheque in these cash-strapped times?

Another pipe...

23 Jan 2009 132
... which might or might not be a stink pipe and almost definitely isn't a gas vent but let's try and concentrate on guessing where this time!

North Circular Road foot-tunnel

23 Jan 2009 189
Originally posted in gwl and guessed by Tetramesh. This is the foot-tunnel that takes the Dollis Brook under the N. Circular Rd, just west of Henly's corner. I'd driven over it hundreds, or maybe even thousands, of times without even knowing it was there. Now that I've walked through it, it's added a whole new dimension to my trips round the N. Circ! I originally titled this 'Where was Alf?' but as there are full-stops between the letters maybe it's an Animal Liberation Front tag. Liberate your goldfish from its bowl and set it free in the Mutton Brook...

Gas vent

11 Jan 2009 171
Originally posted to gwl and although no-one guessed *where* it generated an interesting conversation about *what*. Turns out it's a gas vent and Satguru has an entire webpage devoted to the things (see link in comments below). It's situated at the junction of Chetwynd Rd and Highgate Rd, NW5.

Church of Christ the King, Gordon Square, Bloomsbu…

22 Oct 2008 138
Orignially posted in Guess Where London and guessed in one by estherase!

Parish Boundary Markers, Bedford Square

12 Feb 2009 253
For enlightenment, read comments below.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

01 Jan 2008 161
Where are they?


14 Feb 2009 142
Where is she? (And for an extra point, where was she before?) St George's Gardens

Blue door, Bloomsbury Ambulance Station, Herbrand…

17 Feb 2009 129
with matching letter box. Where?

Two yellow ladders

20 Feb 2009 111

How many bikes can you count?

09 Mar 2009 130
Where is this muddy bottom?


01 Jan 2009 141

Queen Charlotte's tassels, Queen Square

Dodge Ale Ltd

07 Mar 2009 136
Wonder if Arthur Daley had anything to do with this?

Scaffold on blue

16 Mar 2009 148

380 items in total