Walk 6 starts here

Capital Ring: Wimbledon Park to Richmond

Folder: London: Capital Ring
Walked on Sunday 21 Sept 2008

Walk 6 starts here

Shared with bikes (but not officially)

Go right to avoid steps

21 Sep 2008 170
Entering Wimbledon Park

No Fishing

21 Sep 2008 139
or "Gulls can't read"


21 Sep 2008 149
Go on, tell me what it is to save me getting out the bird book...

Expectant geese

21 Sep 2008 139
Think, walkers = bread?

Capital Ring sign, Wimbledon Park

Royal Close

21 Sep 2008 163
A prisoner-of-war camp for Officers in WW2. Now luxury flats. Still surrounded by high iron railings. This time designed to keep intruders out rather than prisoners in.

Entering Putney Heath

No cycling (or so the sign says...)

21 Sep 2008 149
Path across Putney Heath

Through the silver birches

21 Sep 2008 134
Putney Heath

Windmill, Wimbledon Common

Wimbledon Common

Capital Ring sign, Wimbledon Common

London Scottish

London Scottish

Queen's Mere

Bridge over Beverley Brook

50 items in total