Bridge over the Eden

Hadrian's Wall: Carlisle to Bowness-on-Solway

Folder: Hadrian's Wall Walk 2009
15 miles Friday 31 July 2009 A long slog to the finish! But at least the rain held off until we got there.

21 Aug 2009

82 visits

Bridge over the Eden

Leaving Carlisle

21 Aug 2009

77 visits

Sourmilk Bridge

21 Aug 2009

78 visits


21 Aug 2009

104 visits


Beaumont Church

21 Aug 2009

113 visits

Burgh by Sands

That's pronounced 'Bruff' by the way.

21 Aug 2009

102 visits

To the real Edward I Monument

21 Aug 2009

93 visits

The alternative Edward I

21 Aug 2009

101 visits

Burgh West End

21 Aug 2009

100 visits

Start of the long trek

23 items in total