Sycamore Gap

Hadrian's Wall: Housesteads Fort to Walltown Quarry

Folder: Hadrian's Wall Walk 2009
11 miles. Tuesday 28 July 2009. The craggiest and most spectacular section of the Wall. A rather wet day so not many photos.

18 Aug 2009

98 visits

Sycamore Gap

18 Aug 2009

108 visits

Sycamore Gap

18 Aug 2009

101 visits

Milecastle 37

18 Aug 2009

98 visits


18 Aug 2009

80 visits


18 Aug 2009

88 visits


18 Aug 2009

83 visits

Sheer drop!

18 Aug 2009

137 visits

Cawfield Crags

18 Aug 2009

74 visits

Walltown Quarry

11 items in total