3 Prime Ministers

London Blue (and other) Plaques

Folder: London Themes

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06 Oct 2012

150 visits

3 Prime Ministers

06 Oct 2012

172 visits

Chopin blue plaque

06 Oct 2012

151 visits

Francis Chichester plaque

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06 Oct 2012

158 visits

Henry Pelham plaque

Introduced Gregorian calendar. So if it hadn't been for him we might still have been celebrating new year's day in March. Henry Pelham bio on Number 10 website

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06 Oct 2012

166 visits

William Huskisson plaque

St James's Place Also the world's first widely reported railway casualty as he was run over by George Stephenson's locomotive engine Rocket. Wikipedia

02 Apr 2013

177 visits

Palgrave blue plaque

York Gate

23 Mar 2013

207 visits

Bruce Bairnsfather blue plaque

See Wikipedia

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19 Sep 2009

131 visits

Samuel Johnson plaque

Dr Samuel Johnson, Author. 1709-1784

28 Feb 2010

241 visits

Charles Dickens lived here

Bayham St, Camden Town When Charles was aged 10 the Dickens family moved to 16 Bayham St, since demolished. It was a two-storey house, built in the early nineteenth century, consisting of four rooms, basement and garret at a rent of £22pa and thought to be the model for the Cratchits' home in A Christmas Carol .
14 items in total