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By Malik Raoulda

71 favorites

Bon Week-end.

By Amelia

30 favorites

Junk mail or electioneering pamphlet.

By Keith Burton

22 favorites

Bluebell Woods (+PiP)

The Bluebell season is upon us............we visited this location about 2 weeks ago and there were only a few flowers out. Yesterday we went back................and they're all out! It was a bit of a shame that the sun wasn't out as well and it rained shortly after taking these images. It was a wet walk back to the car :-)) Enjoy your weekend everyone. Thanks to everyone who has visited my photo-stream lately and taken the trouble to comment or leave a star.

By Luc Reiniche

27 favorites


Beauté fatale ...

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By Doug Shepherd

38 favorites

Scarborough - Town and South Bay

The Grand Hotel St. Mary's Church Scarborough Castle Scarborough Lighthouse Scarborough Harbour Scarlborough Early History Scarborough was reportedly founded around 966 AD as Skarðaborg by Thorgils Skarthi, a Viking raider, though there is no archaeological evidence to support these claims, made during the 1960s, as part of a pageant of Scarborough events. The origin of this belief is a fragment of an Icelandic Saga. In the 4th century there had briefly been a Roman signal station on Scarborough headland and there is evidence of much earlier Stone Age and Bronze Age settlements. However any new settlement was soon burned to the ground by a rival band of Vikings under Tosti (Tostig Godwinson), Lord of Falsgrave, and Harald III of Norway. The destruction and massacre meant that very little remained to be recorded in the Domesday survey of 1085. The original inland village of Falsgrave (now part of Scarborough) was also Saxon rather than Viking. Scarborough recovered under King Henry II, who built an * Angevin stone castle on the headland and granted the town charters in 1155 and 1163, permitting a market on the sands and establishing rule by burgesses. Edward II granted Scarborough Castle to his favourite, Piers Gaveston. The castle was subsequently besieged by forces led by the barons Percy, Warenne, Clifford and Pembroke. Gaveston was captured and taken to Oxford and thence to Warwick Castle for execution. * The Angevins were a royal house of French origin that ruled England in the 12th and early 13th centuries; its monarchs were Henry II, Richard I and John. In the Middle Ages Scarborough Fair, permitted in a royal charter of 1253, held a six-week trading festival attracting merchants from all over Europe. It ran from Assumption Day, 15 August, until Michaelmas Day, 29 September. The fair continued to be held for 500 years, from the 13th to the 18th century, and is commemorated in the song Scarborough Fair: Are you going to Scarborough Fair? —parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.... Celia Pavey - Scarborough Fair (with lyrics)

By Weard Bültena

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By Weard Bültena

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By Weard Bültena

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By Jocelyne Villoing

42 favorites

Le mélange des genres !

... Anemone canadensis, communément appelée Anémone du Canada, est une espèce de plantes vivaces d'Amérique du Nord. Préférant les prairies humides, les rives de ruisseaux ou de lacs, elle peut proliférer rapidement grâce à ses rhizomes. Elle est généralement appréciée pour ses fleurs blanches. Ici sur le lac Aux Moines à Condat en Feniers en Auvergne. Merci de votre regard et de vos appréciations*, passez une bonne journée.
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