Newly ploughed.

One location

These photos are taken in an area close to the west of Strathmiglo between the A91 and Dryside road which runs along the edge of the Lomond Hills. It's about ten minutes drive from where I live. I hope to keep coming back at different times and in different weathers.

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01 Apr 2021

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156 visits

Newly ploughed.

I wasn't in the mood to get up this morning. Everything seemed pointless. However, once up, I dusted upstairs, cleaned the bedroom window and set Roomba going, all of which I've been putting off for a week at least. By then the sun was shining so I went into the garden, planted seeds and cleared more of the borders. My cherry tree was humming with bees and Beaky was singing at the top of his voice in the crab apple. Round about four o'clock I went to my favourite location between Strathmiglo and Gateside to photograph fields. There are two good lay-by's on the main road and I photographed newly ploughed fields from one. Returned along a back road from Gateside and noted another shot then stopped in Strath and walked along the river Eden. Discovered that the tree in the car park is full of pollen laden catkins and along the river butterbur was growing. So guess where I plan to go tomorrow.

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02 Apr 2021

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134 visits

The tower and the hill.

Had a quick tidy then got into the garden again. My wild flower border is looking so much better apart from one patch which has been taken over by docken. I scooshed it a few days ago but it's unaffected so I'll have to try again. Pleased with my progress so came in and had a read then went up to Strath to photograph. It wasn't sunny like yesterday so I gave up on the catkins and the butterbur. Found there were coltsfoot further along the river too but stuck to the view with Corston tower reflected in a flooded bit of field. Came home and realised I'd forgotten to post a letter which was already late so went round to the village shop. A big mistake as I succumbed to a bottle of wine. When I came back I found a sack of bird food had been delivered to my front door and an Amazon package put through the letter box containing a box of fudge shortbread. I didn't order it and there's no note of who it's from. I suspect Andy or his daughter Emma. So looks like I'm going to have a sinful weekend. Maybe just as well as the forecast is for snow. Snow !