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04 Feb 2021

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Maybe not quite as bright and bushy tailed as yesterday. Dark with rain like stair rods and the forecast still full of dire warnings. I was set on getting on with things when Linda phoned. Lots of chat as both our cookers are malfunctioning. Two rings are not working on hers and my grill gave up before Christmas. Linda is thinking of a new cooker and it made me realise that mine is not as new as I think it is. From there we went to food and reminisced over Lochinver pies. I went up to the North often on holiday and always brought some back. We've both bought them online but you have to buy a dozen which is too much for either of us so we are planning to share an order as soon as we are allowed to meet up again. By the time I came off the phone it was a choice of housework or a walk so I put on all my waterproof gear and walked at Strath Community Woodland. Rain always brings out the colour and detail in everything and I got so engrossed in moss and tree bark I didn't hear an old man coming and jumped out of my skin when he spoke. A long and rather one sided conversation followed but it was pleasant and he told of what I think is a bluebell wood very nearby. So rather a nice day on the whole and maybe I'll catch up on housework tomorrow.

05 Feb 2021

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One daffodil.

My day began with a laugh. I took in a parcel for one of my neighbours yesterday and saw her coming round to collect it in a bright orange dressing gown and furry slippers. In pouring rain ! She came inside the door for a moment and we had a laugh. She is a care worker and is fully vaccinated and tested for Covid 3 times a week so not much of a risk. Otherwise it was another day when I avoided housework in spite of good intentions. Too much time reading news and having a long phone conversation with Margaret who has also had her first jab. I did get myself out for a short walk down the Newton road. Puddles everywhere and I could see flooded fields in the distance on the Howe of Fife. Really too dark and grim for photography although I tried with my G12. Once home I photographed the one daffodil out in a bowl in mini ones. So dark by that time it's a mixture of natural and artificial light but OK I think

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07 Feb 2021

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I stayed up finishing a book last night so the light didn't go out till after one. Not exactly an early start this morning but what's new. Bits of washing got done, upstairs had a badly needed dust, prunings were chopped up and put in the compost bin. Shopped in the Pillars and took some photos. I saw these red buds a week ago but there's little change in them. Not so much rain today but flurries of snow. Deliveries from Amazon. New velcro tabs to identify my bins with. The old ones are faded and falling apart, new hessian bags for my shower soap. No leftover slippy slivers. And a jig saw. I'm going to give them a go. Another way of avoiding housework ! Haven't cleaned the bathroom yet but hopefully I will make a start while dinner is in the oven.

11 Feb 2021

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The icicle tree.

Please view large. The snow is still with us after a bitterly cold night. Found my wash hand basin and shower would not drain. Went out to examine the down pipe which looked OK and as the back of the house faces south a few hours in the sun solved the problem. No burst pipe thankfully. Used the snow as the perfect excuse to laze. Only the odd bit of tidying. Roomba, my robot vacuum chuntered around downstairs and I plowtered around in the garden taking photos. The monkey puzzle tree was planted by an old neighbour, one of identical twins. It was quite out of character and I think she felt guilty as it is far too large for where it is. But it flourishes and it reminds me of her and what a lovely person she was. Later I braved the hard packed snow in the street to drive to the Pillars. There were lots of parked cars and it was slippery. Got to the end and was stuck for a moment. Couldn't go forward or back but persevered and then I was onto snow free roads. The Pillars had been cleared with a tractor so I got bread and milk and a smoothie and seaweed crisps. I really like them. Back to my sofa with no trouble. Maybe tomorrow I'll go further afield.

16 Feb 2021

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Crocus stamens and pistil.

What a bad person I have been today. Didn't sleep well last night due to pain in my leg. It's always there but doesn't usually keep me awake. Lay on the sofa reading articles on independence and all the comments below the line. It's a subject that naturally interests me and about which there is so much misinformation and confusion. It also meant I could just lie about and avoid housework. Did manage to put some washing through the machine and get out for a walk. Saw Emma and Courtney who is sad to see the snow gone. My aconites and snowdrops have emerged from the snow in fine fettle and about six or eight crocuses have appeared, all little pencils, not opening out. It was too windy to photograph them so I brought one indoors where, of course, it opened out too much. Typical !

18 Feb 2021

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New leaves.

Woke at five and never got back to sleep so I was up before seven. You'd think I'd have got a lot done but time wasting is my biggest skill. Poured boiling water down my bath's sluggish plughole but it hasn't solved the problem so I'll need to think again. Decided my housecoat needed a wash than settled down for a read. Fiddled with photos. Phoned Margaret who is cheesed off with being stuck in the house. We had a good rant although on opposite sides of the political divide though not on Brexit. Somehow got onto cars and she suddenly realised hers was due an MOT and went off to check up. I went into the garden. Chopped down all the buddleia. I have a lot against the fence with the school playing field and like it to stay low so I can photograph butterflies. Cleared up another bit of the border so that was quite productive and Beaky was pleased at some more accessible soil. Photographed the tiny unfurling leaves of my robina. At about half past four Colin the mechanic brought my car back. That's the timing belt for another five years. He had a rant as well. Someone else fed up. He hasn't been able to use his motor home for a year now. Like Margaret and I he would be happy if we could travel in Scotland and if cafes were open. How little it would take to please us now. Project 21 Macro

20 Feb 2021

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A busy day, Bed changed, wet wall washed down, bedding and towels in the washing machine, floors Roombad and a venison casserole assembled and put in the fridge. It'll go in the slow cooker tomorrow. I spent quite a lot of time in the garden cutting back and clearing up. More bare soil for Beaky who kept very close to me than moved in to hoover up any tasty morsels. I must make sure I have my camera beside me in future. I'm not even a quarter way round the garden yet so a way to go. Noticed that some cyclamen I planted years ago have finally multiplied so took photos then came in for a rest. Bought a bird table. I've improvised up till now but went for a low down one with quite a close mesh surface which will let rain drain away. Also bought a little nest box. I'm hoping some blue tits may use it. Must buy an open box too in case Beaky finds a girl friend. Although for all I know Beaky is a girl. Later my cousin-in-law John phoned. His wife died about two years ago but he is doing OK. He's been vaccinated and is being cautious but hoping restrictions will be lifted a little soon. I think we all are. Took myself out for a short walk afterwards so I'm feeling pleased with myself. The sofa has had a rest today.

22 Feb 2021

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Crocus in the sun.

Today is the first day that has felt like proper spring. The sun shone and all my early crocuses which are all the same lilac blue opened up transforming the garden. I spent a long time carrying on with clearing up. Pleased that there are few weeds. It's mainly dead leaves and vegetation and lamium which has ramped everywhere. I've been hauling it up which is very satisfying even though I know I won't have eradicated it all. I shall try and keep at it this year. I would like only to have silver lamium which is much less invasive. Beaky was nearby all the time singing away. Maybe trying to attract a mate. When I came in I had a little rest checking my bank account and buying seeds. I've gone over the top on poppies. Six or seven different kinds and all colours except orange and blue of course, The nearest I've got is purple. Afterwards I spruced up the kitchen and cleaned the washing machine. The bathroom is cleaned too. My slow draining problem seems to be solved although my fingers are still crossed. Even set Roomba in action downstairs. After which I had a little walk then reverted to the sofa with crisps and a raspberry liqueur gin, part of a Christmas present. It hardly tasted alcoholic at all but had a deliciously fresh raspberry taste. It's sofa and TV from now till bedtime. I feel I've earned it.

23 Feb 2021

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Lenten rose.

I've had a few busy days and hoped I was going to continue today but I gave up. It was raining heavily and housework didn't appeal. It was also to be very windy and I had meant to go down to the coast hoping for wild water to photograph. The wind was late in coming and high tide was past so that went by the board. I picked a stem of my Lenten rose yesterday as it was almost invisible under a shrub rose so my photography was indoors. Belatedly put some clothes through the washing machine then noticed the rain had stopped. In spite of a very strong wind I took myself into the garden to continue clearing up accompanied as usual by Beaky. The lamium is now reduced to one patch in this border. Just two more borders to go. Did a fair bit of pruning. My crab apple and smoke bush had grown into each other. Now they are separate and look much better. More pruning to do though. Came in to lie on the sofa and read, then investigate plants for a shallow pond. I don't have a pond but am thinking of having one and am doing some research rather than rushing in as I've often done in the past
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