Jacques' photos

Chine Tchang Tintin

18 Sep 2020 1 2 146
Tintin suddeny dreamed that his Chinese friend was in great danger with overflowing rivers and decided to save him.

DSC 0713ac Home Flowers

17 Jul 2020 1 149
France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Camping du Gouffre.

DSC 0704ac Home Agapanthus Birth

15 Jul 2020 1 2 149
France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Camping du Gouffre.

DSC 0703ac Home Bi-color Sage Flowers

15 Jul 2020 3 2 169
France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Camping du Gouffre.

DSC 0699ac Home Courageous Nasturtiums

15 Jul 2020 1 133
These flowers crossed the thick bush from the ground to be admired at human size! France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Camping du Gouffre.

DSC 0696ac Cirrus Uncinus Feathers

08 Jul 2020 2 6 194
Just above our home; France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Camping du Gouffre.

DSC 0061jbn Plougrescant Castel Meur Night

26 Jun 2016 7 12 373
TO SEE ENLARGED!!! By this clear night, we see well the full moon and the great bear chariot; France Bretagne Region Côtes-d'Armor Department Plougrescant Village Landmarks.

My Loved Organs and Titular Organists around Paris…

16 Aug 2020 4 2 501
Enlarge the montage The 4 photos in the center show composers or famous performers who have now disappeared (Marcel Dupré here in the USA, Olivier Messian in ND Paris listening to his own music (Apparition of the Eternal Church, work written in 1932), Pierre Cochereau at the old console of ND Paris, Marie-Claire Alain specialist in Bach and the litanies of his brother Jehan); Around by group of 3 images: Notre Dame de Paris organ Cavaillé-Coll master Olivier Latry, St Sulpice organ Cavaillé-Coll master Daniel Roth, St Eustache Flemish Organ Builder Van den Heuven master Jean Guillou recently disappeared, Saint Denis Cathedral organ Cavaillé-Coll Pierre Pincemaille recently disappeared, Of course, many other Parisian churches have magnificent organs owned by often famous virtuose organists or co-holders of the instruments described here. Agrandir le montage Les 4 photos du centre présentent des compositeurs ou des célèbres interprètes aujourd'hui disparus (Marcel Dupré ici aux USA, Olivier Messian à ND Paris écoutant sa propre musique (Apparition de l'Eglise éternelle, oeuvre écrite en 1932), Pierre Cochereau à l'ancienne console de ND Paris, Marie-Claire Alain spécialiste de Bach et des litanies de son frère Jehan); En pourtour par groupe de 3 images: Notre Dame de Paris orgue Cavaillé-Coll maître Olivier Latry, St Sulpice orgue Cavaillé-Coll maître Daniel Roth, St Eustache gigantesque orgue Néerlandais construit par Van den Heuven en 1939 maître Jean Guillou disparu récemment, Saint Denis Cathédrale orgue Cavaillé-Coll Pierre Pincemaille disparu récemment, Bien sûr de nombreuses autres églises parisiennes possèdent des orgues magnifiques dont sont titulaires des organistes virtuoses souvent célèbres ou co-titulaires des instruments décrits ici.

Sulawesi Toraja's Dead Rituals

08 Jun 2020 3 4 271
We made the flight from Bali to Ujung Pandang (ancient Makassar) then continued by car up to Pare Pare, Rantepao to join Tana Toraja tribe in 1992; It has been with no doubt our most impressive trip, quite frightening, where the dead relatives are dug up, cleaned to wear new clothes, even have their hair-dressed to participate the sometimes long traditional rituals (days,weeks,monthes) all of this in the blood of of just killed buffalos spread on soil, reinforcing horror in our minds which are so far of such traditions! And I don't speak of the abominable death smell present everywhere that let them indifferent! The tree in third up left picture of this montage serves as cemetery for babies so their souls are directly brought to heaven by the sap; Indonesia Sulawesi Toraja tribe funeral traditions. Nous avons fait le vol de Bali à Ujung Pandang (ancienne Makassar) puis continué en voiture jusqu'à Pare Pare, Rantepao pour rejoindre la tribu Tana Toraja en 1992; Ce fut sans aucun doute notre voyage le plus impressionnant, assez effrayant, où les parents décédés sont déterrés, nettoyés pour porter de nouveaux vêtements, même coiffés pour participer aux rituels traditionnels parfois longs (jours, semaines, mois) tous ceci dans le sang de buffles juste tués et répandu sur le sol, renforçant l'horreur dans nos esprits qui sont si loin de telles traditions! Et je ne parle pas de l'abominable odeur de mort présente partout qui les laisse indifférents! L'arbre dans la troisième photo en haut à gauche de ce montage sert de cimetière pour les bébés afin que leurs âmes soient directement amenées au ciel par la sève; Indonésie Sulawesi Toraja traditions funéraires.

P8183438ac Ploumilliau Church Parterres

18 Aug 2015 2 155
We saw these strange white flowers for the first time, a thick conical heart with tiny petals; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183437ac Green Window on Exquisite Blue Flowers

18 Aug 2015 4 179
France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183433ac St Anna and her Daughter Mary the Virgi…

18 Aug 2015 3 254
France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183432ac Saint Family at Work

18 Aug 2015 3 202
Jesus in his childhood was called Emmanuel; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183430ac Ploumilliau Main Window and Baroque Alt…

18 Aug 2015 2 3 220
St Milliau beheaded is the central Figure and left statue; Milliau became king of Dommonée (Léon and Trégor) and was reputed for his piety and gentleness; His younger brother Rivod was so ambitious and jalous that he beheaded Milliau who became a Saint Martyr; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183428ac Ploumilliau Church Master Window and Ma…

18 Aug 2015 2 134
St Milliau beheaded by his jalous brother is in the center of the window and on the left statue holding his head, the Baroque altar has arcades, the polychrome stations of the calvary on each side come from an ancient reredos; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183425ac Ploumilliau Church "Ankou" Celtic Death…

18 Aug 2015 2 200
Unique representation of Death in a Christian church of Britanny; This wooden statue was venerated to obtain by prayers the death of ennemies in celtic mythology; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183423ac St Milliau Church Pulpit with Evangelis…

18 Aug 2015 2 122
On the pulpit figure the four Evangelists: John with the eagle, Matthiew with the angel, Marc (from face) with the lion, Luc with the ox; France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

P8183422ac Ploumilliau Church Flowers

18 Aug 2015 1 130
France Bretagne Region Côtes d'Armor Department Ploumilliau Beaumanoir Style Church.

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