Search through Jennifer Murphy's photos

  Shooting date  /  2011  /  February   -   59 photos

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  • ~in motion~
  • surprise!
  • my little wingnut
  • icey whiskers
  • waves of snow
  • push!
  • the mask
  • morning colors
  • mink hole!
  • Churchill Brook ~ still awake
  • lighting of the tree
  • get a handle on this weather
  • thaw 'em out and go
  • ice on the power line
  • spring signs
  • lineup
  • cool catkins
  • drip & bokeh
  • Macy in black and white
  • in the silent wood
  • bare bones
  • snowy shoreline
  • I spy
  • bob house down!
  • ?!?!
  • according to my low tech weather station...
  • nummy nummy in my tummy
  • mossy
  • love is...
  • well hidden
  • sunlight through the trees
  • where the otters played
  • double paned
  • a.m.
  • p.m.
  • look again
  • silly Bizzy
  • blue
  • tracks & shadows
  • Whoops!
  • pastels
  • hurry up!
  • over the bank
  • roughage
  • a lesson from Mulewings~
  • snow dreams
  • touched by light
  • the sun tried
  • oats ~ he's feelin' 'em.