Merry Christmas, lousy new year.


Meet Raven! She's an aged Beagle that was abandoned at a friend's kennel. I am lucky enough to be her guardian for the remainder of her days. We don't know what her past was like, but her future is full of spoiling and uninterrupted power naps!

31 Dec 2015

125 visits

Merry Christmas, lousy new year.

Raven had a very good Christmas, spoiled to the ears with goodies and a new coat. Unfortunately her health issues became too much and I had to let her go in late January. I am so thankful for the short time I had with her, and hope she felt loved and safe and wanted in her final year. It makes me so angry to think of whoever owned her and neglected her to the point that her health issues were so overwhelming. If you have a pet, you have a responsibility to take care of them. I did my best for this little dog, and loved her with all my heart, but sometimes love just can't fix everything. Goodbye, Raven. I will never forget you.

02 Oct 2015

89 visits

October 2

Studiously ignoring one another. And yes, Raven has gained a lot of weight since she arrived. Well, I did promise her she would never go hungry again, sooooo....whoops.

07 Sep 2015

119 visits

September 7

Raven at Walker Hill

29 Aug 2015

67 visits

August 29

Miss Raven is NOT a fan of bath day. I am definitely her least favorite human today.

28 Jun 2015

75 visits

post bath

Relaxing "fireside" (that's a space heater with a fake fire glow) post bath.

10 Jun 2015

63 visits

the queen has retired to her chambers

07 Jun 2015

77 visits

June 7

01 Jun 2015

90 visits

June 1

25 Apr 2015

77 visits

April 25

14 items in total