On New Year's Day

2014, A Photo A Day

01 Jan 2014

1 favorite

150 visits

On New Year's Day

02 Jan 2014

156 visits


03 Jan 2014

130 visits


Some days you just take what you can get.

04 Jan 2014

141 visits

the storm in my window

05 Jan 2014

140 visits

on the roost

06 Jan 2014

136 visits

just a drop of water in an endless sea

07 Jan 2014

153 visits

he called and called, but nobody came

Well below zero, and one would think the turkeys would be happy to have the extra fuel to keep themselves warm. And yet, I came home tonight and it was still there. One lone tom, braving the Polar Vortex.

08 Jan 2014

98 visits

09 Jan 2014

150 visits

willing subject

I forgot how difficult the photo of the day challenge is for an outdoor shooter in the winter, when light is fleeting. I can't seem to find enough interesting things to photograph in my house, so once again, Calypso will have to do.
226 items in total