Gettin' around

Modes of transportation, sporting equipment, toys and tractors.

02 Jan 2017

75 visits

02 Jan 2017

51 visits

25 Dec 2016

80 visits

packing down the ski trails

21 Dec 2016

32 visits


14 Oct 2016

60 visits

88 MPH

My sad attempt to get a shot of the rising full moon and a car drove by. Very cool.

11 Sep 2016

84 visits


I love this old garden tractor. She's my right hand man, my partner in crime, and I wouldn't get half the projects done that I do without her.

11 Sep 2016

107 visits

22 Jul 2015

66 visits

El Galeon Andalucía

22 Jul 2015

64 visits

El Galeon Andalucía

132 items in total