Stones, monuments & statuary

03 Sep 2016

81 visits

24 Jul 2016

82 visits

16 Jul 2016

101 visits

The tire garden is really taking off.

09 Jun 2016

90 visits


12 Jun 2015

84 visits

June 12

A Visit With the Dead Leavitts This is the Leavitt family cemetery, which is pretty much in my back yard. Nice backdrop, huh? I love them, they're great neighbors. Very quiet. ;)

15 Mar 2015

71 visits

24 Jan 2015

70 visits

January 24

A ceramic piece I started painting years ago. I was reminded that it was packed away in the attic, and dug it out to see if it sparked a desire to complete it. I'll be stuck inside while a winter storm rages through the day, so that might be a good time to pull out the paints and get lost in concentration for a little while.

03 Jan 2015

97 visits

January 3

28 Jul 2014

83 visits

This is a resin skull, I'm not exactly sure what animal it's supposed to be. Impala?
106 items in total