the last sunrise

Water, Earth, Sky

Skyscapes, landscapes, waterscapes, and anything outdoorsy that doesn't fit anywhere else.

31 Dec 2022

3 favorites


38 visits

the last sunrise

December 31st - the last sunrise of 2022.

06 Nov 2021

35 visits

first hard frost of the season

05 Jan 2020

123 visits

As I was taking this photo a strong wind blew the snow out of the tree tops and across the field, creating a wonderful hazy quality to the scene. I can't wait to stand in my living room and look out on this view every morning.

03 Apr 2019

75 visits

just a coating

14 Mar 2019

62 visits

spring dusting

14 Mar 2019

56 visits


20 Jan 2018

96 visits

a scar across the sky

01 Jan 2018

106 visits

full moon new year

25 Dec 2017

144 visits

592 items in total