
Bug Off!

Insects, arachnids and all kinds of creepy crawlies.

08 Aug 2017

85 visits

08 Aug 2017

107 visits

One of the newest additions to the Pollinator Plus Strip is Asclepias tuberosa, also known as Butterfly Weed, a type of milkweed plant. It didn't take long for it to attract pollinators! Bonus - it's a native plant.

03 Jul 2017

79 visits

30 Mar 2017

68 visits

little beauty

This spider was only about the size of a pinky fingernail; don't be fooled.

04 Sep 2016

1 favorite

1 comment

135 visits

03 Sep 2016

105 visits

21 Aug 2016

64 visits

I am smitten with this adorable little bee.

06 Aug 2016

75 visits


Drusilla moved in this summer just above my kitchen door. Her web is so massive, it actually encompasses part of the door itself. I try to keep people from using the door so she's not disturbed.

02 Aug 2016

68 visits

How bad are my eyes? I thought this was a yellow and pink flower until I looked close and noticed the pink was actually the wings of a couple Rosy Maple Moths. Upon further research, these are not Rosy Maples, but in fact are Primrose Moths!
249 items in total