the dance

Birds of a Feather

07 Mar 2009

63 visits

Cautious Nuthatch

22 Feb 2009

69 visits


21 Feb 2009

83 visits

And here I thought I'd missed it.

Mom's bird feeders attract all sorts of winged visitors. I had tried to get a shot of the Hairy Woodpecker at the suet feeder, but she was shy and backed around to the other side of the tree. I gave up and concentrated on the Nuthatch instead. To my happy surprise, when reviewing the pictures, I found I'd actually caught the Hairy, just not the way I'd hoped, but better. Love moments like that!

20 Jan 2009

87 visits


19 Jan 2009

71 visits

18 Jan 2009

108 visits

Winter Warrior

13 Sep 2008

72 visits

13 Sep 2008

56 visits

12 Sep 2008

45 visits

617 items in total