Domesticated Tranquility

Livestock and traditional farm animals of all shapes and sizes.

14 Oct 2015

119 visits

18 Sep 2015

79 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

18 Sep 2015

64 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

18 Sep 2015

102 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

Any time I get the chance to go to the NH Highland Games, I try to go on Friday so that I can watch the sheepdog trials. Most people love the athletic competitions, but I think this is much more exciting!

18 Sep 2015

79 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

26 May 2015

84 visits

May 26

26 May 2015

75 visits

26 Dec 2014

114 visits

26 Dec 2014

99 visits

98 items in total