athena in the window

Cats & Dogs

25 May 2019

79 visits

athena in the window

03 Mar 2019

67 visits

cabin fever

18 Sep 2015

77 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

18 Sep 2015

61 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

18 Sep 2015

80 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

18 Sep 2015

101 visits

Sheepdog Trials @ the NH Highland Games 2015

Any time I get the chance to go to the NH Highland Games, I try to go on Friday so that I can watch the sheepdog trials. Most people love the athletic competitions, but I think this is much more exciting!

04 Apr 2015

82 visits


My neighbor's cat; he's quite handsome!

27 Dec 2014

120 visits


01 Aug 2014

99 visits


155 items in total