Next stop, Plantation Station

Welcome to my little pseudo farm, also known as Plantation Station. Follow the adventures of a third-time homeowner, set in a quaint historic district somewhere in NoCellService, New Hampshire.

21 Apr 2018

75 visits

17 Apr 2018

86 visits

last snow

14 Mar 2018

125 visits

14 Mar 2018

139 visits

The Never Ending Winter

Three major nor'easters in less than three weeks can be a little much. We got about two feet of snow out of this storm, on top of a foot from the previous and about 10" from the one before that.

21 Feb 2018

123 visits


Apparently this February has been one of the warmest on record for this area. Not complaining after the bitter cold of January! It was so warm on this evening - nearly 60*F - that the cats and I spent a little time on the porch, just enjoying it all. I'm looking forward to spring proper.

08 Feb 2018

1 comment

137 visits

The Wall

The plow guy didn't want to get stuck on the little hill, which was a solid block of ice. All the snow he pushed up and left for later was just a challenge for me and my trusty snow blower. And you know, I love a challenge.

01 Jan 2018

120 visits

full moon new year

25 Dec 2017

155 visits

the green door

25 Dec 2017

162 visits

325 items in total