
Caretos de Podence

Folder: Albuns Iper
  • Careto
  • Caretos
  • Podence - Here we go !
  • The cowbells they so easily use in their dance around the girls.
  • Matrafona
  • Scheming and plotting their next run ...
  • Among the young
  • On tuesday they visit grand mother
  • For grand father it is work as usual.
  • The burning of the old winter
  • Caretos - Podence 2014
  • Podence - Carnival 2015
  • Caretos 2015
  • Podence 2015
  • Podence 2015
  • ... dance and fire to old Winter.  2015
  • Caretos - Podence 2015
  • Podence - 2015
  • Podence 2015 - On our noisy way to...
  • Podence, main street
  • Carnaval 2016
  • Podence - Carnaval 2016
  • Caretos de Podence
  • Careto 2017
  • Caretos -Podence 2017
  • Podence 2017
  • Caretos 2017
  • Caretos 2017
  • People
  • Friends
  • Fumeiro em Podence
  • Podence Carnaval 2018
  • Podence - Gente I
  • Podence - Gentes II
  • Music of Carnival - Fife and drums . . .
  • Podence - A juventude faz a música
  • Smoke
  • Soon if you PIP, you will recognise me . .  .
  • Joy !
  • HFF - The drums are here
  • I will
  • Family, leaving. -  Marcolino.
  • Warm day to you, hear the bells !!!
  • The traditional night visit to Marcolino
  • The Village looks on . . .
  • To believe
  • Podence 2020
  • Caretos now
  • Wait
  • Caretos
  • You
  • Once, me too, I was young.
  • Tenderness
  • Podence 2015
  • Caretos