Jason Elkins' photos

17 Aug 2013 6 365
Hells Canyon Scenic Hwy on the Oregon Side heading towards Baker City.
16 Aug 2013 307
Two bucks in Dayton, WY. on Tongue River Rd.
16 Aug 2013 1 287
Dayton, WY. just outside of Tongue River Canyon, where I camped. One of the most beautiful areas on the trip.
15 Aug 2013 2 332
I-90W on the way to Yellowstone.
15 Aug 2013 260
This Studebaker was on the way to Devils Tower, WY.
15 Aug 2013 1 270
Badlands, SD.
15 Aug 2013 5 2 251
Badlands, SD.
15 Aug 2013 1 228
Badlands, SD.
15 Aug 2013 1 238
Badlands, SD.
30 Mar 2013 14 6 343
Friend, Oregon

the friendliest friend in Friend

30 Mar 2013 3 210
Friend, Oregon
02 Apr 2013 7 3 204
Portland, Oregon
02 Apr 2013 3 191
Portland, Oregon
31 Mar 2013 4 175
31 Mar 2013 4 174
Dufur, Oregon
14 Apr 2013 11 3 261
Lyle, WA. 2013
30 Mar 2013 1 239
Friend, OR. 2013

100 items in total

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