sunflower in September

Cripley and Rewley

Folder: Oxford

houses by the river

29 Oct 2012 1 73
Sheepwash Channel, Oxford

riverside homes

17 Jun 2012 1 1 20
Sheepwash Channel at Cripley

bridge on the Thames Path

02 Nov 2012 4 117
Rewley, Oxford

November melancholy

07 Nov 2012 1 133
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

cat on the wall

11 Nov 2012 17
Abbey Road, Oxford

where you left me in my dream

18 Nov 2012 2 9 272
Isis Bridge, Oxford

swollen river stream

26 Nov 2012 1 147
Castle Mill Stream, Oxford

Rewley Weir

26 Nov 2012 1 124
where the canal spills into the Thames

"the sad place"

26 Nov 2012 2 122
Oxford November 2012 floods

high mooring

26 Nov 2012 1 155
Oxford November 2012 floods

flooding at Four Streams

26 Nov 2012 1 141
Oxford November 2012 floods

high water at Cripley

26 Nov 2012 1 137
Oxford November 2012 floods

Botley Road allotments

26 Nov 2012 1 117
Oxford November 2012 flood

high water at Osney Bridge

26 Nov 2012 1 107
Oxford November 2012 flood

Snake's Island - please keep off

28 Nov 2012 118
I think people are really taking notice of this sign, as I've not seen anyone here lately

halal vandalism

28 Nov 2012 7 164
Oxford Sheepwash

heron in the river

19 Dec 2019 1 97
Ardea cinerea - grey heron

178 items in total