Victorian loo


station gents

03 Aug 2011 1 93
South Devon Railway

polite reminder

03 Aug 2011 1 1 71
South Devon Railway

station ladies

03 Aug 2011 64
South Devon Railway

Ladies Waiting Room signs

03 Aug 2011 93
and new trend for omitting the apostrophe

old Ladies sign

13 Nov 2017 1 125
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

old Gentlemen sign

13 Nov 2017 2 172
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

rare gentlemen

31 May 2011 1 147
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

town hall ladies

13 Nov 2017 149
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

underground loos

16 Nov 2009 1 50
Magdalen Street, Oxford

Magdalen Street toilets

05 Jul 2009 1 64
Magdalen Street, Oxford

Magdalen Street Ladies

16 Apr 2008 1 32
old underground toilets in Oxford

Magdalen Street loos

16 Nov 2009 1 51
Magdalen Street, Oxford

Speedwell Street gents

04 Oct 2009 1 44
Oxford public toilets with nice tiles

Oxford loo tiles

04 Oct 2009 1 38
Speedwell Street toilets

Speedwell Street toilets

04 Oct 2009 1 38
Oxford public conveniences now closed

automatic hand wash

04 Oct 2009 1 38
Oxford public convenience now closed

Speedwell Street loos

04 Oct 2009 1 38
Oxford public conveniences now closed

Speedwell Street ladies

04 Oct 2009 1 40
Oxford public toilets with nice tiles

67 items in total