Irish telephone box


Earl Haig and old War Office

14 Jun 2019 1 77
London bus window shot

Oxford Street beavers

14 Jun 2019 1 131
London bus window shot

King George III statue

14 Jun 2019 78
London bus window shot

Nelson at Trafalgar

14 Jun 2019 3 106
London bus window shot

London safari

14 Jun 2019 2 3 167
lion spotted at Trafalgar Square

Boadicea amidst the clutter

14 Jun 2019 1 2 91
London bus window shot

County Hall and South Bank Lion

14 Jun 2019 1 121
London bus window shot

Nelson on his column

14 Jun 2019 1 4 157
London bus window shot

Nelson aloft

14 Jun 2019 3 101
London bus window shot

Waterloo Place memorials

14 Jun 2019 3 84
London bus window shot

Piccadilly Circus

14 Jun 2019 1 4 139
London bus window shot

Queen Charlotte with garland

30 Jul 2019 1 86
Queen Square, London

Sheldonian head no.1

14 Sep 2019 1 81
Oxford, England

Sheldonian head no.2

14 Sep 2019 1 71
Oxford, England

Sheldonian head no.3

14 Sep 2019 1 69
Oxford, England

Sheldonian head no.4

14 Sep 2019 1 69
Oxford, England

Sheldonian head no.5

14 Sep 2019 1 70
Oxford, England

Sheldonian head no.6

14 Sep 2019 1 48
Oxford, England

308 items in total